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What are the l a s t four characters of "166d664c947364575f5a3eaa"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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TmEE, 2015-05-28 14:31 »

Pale. Moon.

Firefox is a turd and is only becoming smellier each update. Pale Moon is what Firefox should be...

!, 2015-05-27 02:38 »

FUCK x 1000! Today, I wanted to have a fresh Firefox profile (mine was super old) so I created a new profile. ZOMFG!!! Took me about 10 hours (!!!) to get Firefox working "properly". This shit is missing so much! From keyboard shortcuts to mouse gestures to cookie managing to 1000 other stuff needed... and of course, THE MOTHERFUCKING SPYWARE BULLSHIT IN IT! THE PIECE OF JUNK PHONES HOME EVEN IF YOU LOOK AT IT FUNNY! TOOK ME SEVERAL HOURS TO KILL OFF STUFF LIKE GEO LOCATION, SEVERAL PHONE HOME URLs AND LOTS OF OTHER SHIT I CAN'T REMEMBER NOW. :sick: :evil: :sick: Anyway, it is finally working as expected... for now. Until they put out an update and break EVERYTHING.

The best way to test his is to open up the resource monitor from task manager in Windows. There is a "Network" tab there which shows you when an application opens up a network connection and to where it goes. Just do it on even a fresh Firefox install and you will see what I mean. It starts connecting to several IPs.

My profile looks clean now, however. When I run it (if I have no tabs open, of course) it doesn't open up any network connections to anywhere but man oh man, it took forever to fix it. :sick: :sick: :sick:

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MasterOne, 2015-02-10 17:13 »

Google blocks Firefox browser for Android from accessing Google Play store. Wait just a second; didn't Google claim in numerous documentaries that they aren't "evil"?

MasterOne, 2015-01-15 08:33 »

Microsoft's pre-notifications for upcoming patches are only going to be available to paid users from this point forward:

Microsoft is facing fierce criticism over its decision to make pre-notification of upcoming patches available only to paid subscribers.

The Advance Notification Service (ANS) formerly made information on upcoming software patches available to the public but from now on the information will be restricted to "premier" customers and some other select partners. ... re_alerts/

MasterOne, 2014-12-24 23:43 »

Google bans annoying user testimonials from Play Store app descriptions:

The updated instructions to developers say: "Please do not include user testimonials in your app description. They tend to be dubious and are frequently utilized to include references to popular search terms and competitor apps in violation of the policies outlined here. Let your users speak for themselves via Play's comment review system."

Any kind of keyword manipulation to game the search engine has long been frowned upon. Google says it will kick apps out of the Play Store if developers doesn't abide by the new rules. ... tions.html

I love how PCWorld instantly sides with Google as they use "annoying" in their headline. No wonder why barely anyone reads that piece of shit "news" magazine anymore. A developer should be able to write whatever they want about their app, fake or not. I've gone to countless sites that have big tacky testimonials on it touting how great their software is. This all goes back to earlier arguments I've made, where if the developer and app store owner get into a dispute, it's the consumer who loses out in the end. Keep in mind, the consumer is a person who doesn't have enough intelligence to find applications on the internet. If they try, they will probably download a fake copy of something they think is real that includes spyware/malware. They will only take what is put before them. Unfortunately they wouldn't be smart enough to find this thread or other arguments elsewhere on the internet similar to the ones made here, so I say, let them shit in their own bed.

!, 2014-09-07 18:02 »

For your convenience, of course. :cool:

Intel's new mobile chips are always listening.

Tablets and lightweight laptops based on the new Core M line of chips will go on sale at the end of this year. They can constantly listen for voice instructions thanks to a component known as a digital signal processor core that's dedicated to processing audio with high efficiency and minimal power use.

"It doesn't matter what state the system will be in, it will be listening all the time," says Ed Gamsaragan, an engineer at Intel. "You could be actively doing work or it could be in standby."

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!, 2014-09-05 11:59 »

Slave bracelets for everyone... is it just me that finds the use of a black person in the pictures very tasteless? Considering, these bracelets are indeed, only tools for the "ones above" to control the slaves?

Intel Unveils MICA 'My Intelligent Communication Accessory' Smart Bracelet.

...blending seamlessly into everyday life.

Disgusting. :sick:

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Scorpius, 2014-09-05 11:41 »

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Steven W, 2014-09-01 02:30 »

That seems to sum up what these mega-corporations seem to think of developers and end-users quite nicely.

!, 2014-09-01 00:32 »

:mrgreen: :clap: :mrgreen:

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