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What are the l a s t four characters of "92843242aef63749bef45cea"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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!, 2014-02-20 17:32 »

Haha what an idiot that "Guest" commenter is. Reminds of the good'ol IRC days. The fools back then also used to say things like "Come fight me little nerd" or "Come tell it to my face". :lol: I actually did that a few times. They left the scene with a second asshole but man, that shit is way old now.

Well done! You seem to have hit them where it hurts! :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

Use your brain in here or fuck off. Although, on second thought, we could use a village idiot around here. 8-)

you-sir-are-an-idiot.jpg (45.77 KiB) Viewed 5201 times

MasterOne, 2014-02-20 12:17 »

That's a foolish assumption. Welcome to; please feel free to register to join in on the fun.

Guest, 2014-02-20 11:57 »

How's that pride working out for you? I'm sure it helps you say things you wouldn't say without a computer monitor to hide you.

!, 2013-12-08 12:26 »

Well, you know what they say... "Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something." By the way, the guy who said he has been typing for 10 years, I'm guessing he started at 7-8 (kids usually do these days) so he is probably 19-22 years old or something. I don't think I was that stupid when I was 22. *lol* :lol:

MasterOne, 2013-12-08 00:09 »

Here's another 100% completely retarded comment from some moron that posted on ZDNet who tries to come across as intelligent, but fails when he starts using what he thinks are big dictionary words in the completely wrong context. He also fails in the area of fluid and crystallized intelligence, as his ideas are just ridiculously stupid. It's so often the stupid ones are those whom open their mouths; for they know not to make an asinine spectacle of themselves.

What I would like to see is a some thinking about that most insidious bit of antique hardware, the qwerty keyboard (someone is finally working on one I read recently) and to learn to input much faster - even though I have been 'typing' for 10 years, I still make errors.

Okay, first of all, the word "insidious" means: 1. intended to entrap or beguile; 2. stealthily treacherous or deceitful. To beguile means to to influence by trickery. So, is his keyboard spreading harm in a subtle or stealthy manner? I don't think so. Then he goes on to write: "someone is finally working on one I read recently". Well, duh, moron, lots of people are working on QWERTY keyboards. In fact, I'm working on one right at this moment, and it's not the insidious model either. Now, if he meant that "somebody" is working on a new type of device, then he should have specified so. He's more than free to switch to the Dvorak layout, if the QWERTY layout is so difficult for him. He then says "and to learn to input much faster", which is just a sentence fragment that makes absolutely no sense at all. He says he's been typing for 10 years, but makes errors. Well duh, idiot, that's what the fucking backspace key is for. Have you ever heard of formatting a document? :roll: We all make errors typing, I just have a suspicion that this particular nincompoop makes more of them.

Antiquated keys like TAB are a bloody nuisance because one can touch them inadvertently and end up recovering your last sentence from another paragraph. Also, unless you do lots of figures, the non-option of a side numeric keyboard (as on Lenovo) is just a waste of space that could be used for bigger letter keys, as far as I'm concerned.

The Tab key is "antiquated"? :lol: What does he mean "recovering your last sentence from another paragraph"? I have no clue what he's even talking about! He then states that the "non-option" of a number pad a Lenovo laptop is a "waste of space". How it is it a waste of space when it's not even an option?

My final pet hate are shiny screens. People who do real work get eye strain from glare and AG film is hard to find in SA - except for tablets and phones, the users of which need AG least. My last (Acer) came standard with a matt screen - now you don't seem to get an option to a shiny.

Glossy screens have better color intensity and contrast ratios, but there are also some disadvantages. People "who do real work" that need glossy displays obviously find ways to mitigate the glare, and that in itself takes some real thinking outside of the box.

CharlotteTheHarlot, 2013-11-30 10:53 »

Thanks for the tips!

Fool's design, 2013-11-30 00:47 »

By the way, if you want your uploaded picture in a post to be in middle of the text, instead of at the end of your post, you can use the "Place inline" button, like this:

inline01.PNG (17.83 KiB) Viewed 5271 times

inline02.PNG (113.68 KiB) Viewed 5271 times

CharlotteTheHarlot, 2013-11-29 20:38 »

-( beer photo )-

That's what I'm talkin' about!

P.S. about the download URL, yeah I entered the whole HTTP... string ( it's still in the link though ) but the forum software only displayed the "download/file.php?id=xxx".

Fool's design, 2013-11-29 14:23 »

Beer-Hops-Wheat.jpg (1.27 MiB) Viewed 6305 times

!, 2013-11-29 14:21 »

Forget the beer, I'll bring wine! :lol:

chianti-wine_cellar.jpg (113.07 KiB) Viewed 6306 times

Now, if only this was my cellar! :( :mrgreen:
