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What are the l a s t four characters of "166d664c947364575f5a3eaa"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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!, 2014-04-02 14:01 »

Everyone! Now that is up and running on its own, please do spread the word!

Fool's design, 2014-03-31 18:36 »

Hello everyone!

Some few changes are on the way in the coming weeks. We have separated into its own domain now but "The lounge" is currently shared between and

You can use the same login and password in both Web sites. The databases are interconnected.

Please bear in mind that nothing is final yet. We are just working on the technical parts right now and you are most welcome (as always) to discuss this entire thing in here.

:!: "The lounge" section has moved to the bottom until the technical stuff are finished. We are still fiddling with the database.

``-_-´´, 2014-01-28 10:25 »

MasterOne wrote:...I'm not understanding the "cold comfort" part and how that relates to technology.

Actually, it related directly to tech talk: "Extremely limited empathy, sympathy, or encouragement", "very limited consolation". You have to see the dramatic side of it. Nothing would be more fitting than the phrase "cold comfort" in that context.

MasterOne, 2014-01-28 10:05 »

Maybe you can associate the top-level domain with something else, because I'm not understanding the "cold comfort" part and how that relates to technology.

What about just calling it: "TechTalk"? That is more catchy.

Steven W, 2014-01-27 02:51 »

Probably a good idea as it more accurately reflects the content of that "subsection". Might be helpful for search engine users to find a place regarding those matters.

I, user., 2014-01-25 07:07 »

A very interesting move. ::thumbup::

pic_chess-piece-6-okg0zkxgcj-1024x768.jpg (41.36 KiB) Viewed 5670 times

A new domain, is now active

Fool's design, 2014-01-25 06:53 »

Hello everyone!

A new domain, is now active and is pointing to the "Tech talk, cold comfort." section.

:idea: Short explanation:

  • ".cc" = "Cold comfort"
  • "" = "Tech talk, cold comfort."

Please bear in mind that nothing will change.

The domain will still remain as is and will continue to be fully operational as before. None of the forum links or identification variables in their URLs will change. is just a branch of the tree. If you may, see it as a subsection with its own top-level domain.

branchwleaves.jpg (49.35 KiB) Viewed 5676 times
