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What are the l a s t four characters of "166d664c947364575f5a3eaa"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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I, user., 2014-04-17 00:35 »

Scorpius wrote:...Well, to hell with him. He can go fuck himself.

Sorry for digging up this old thread.

I know you said that and we all know he left because, um, we have too much freedom in here? Anyway, I wanted to give it one last try because I thought he really misunderstood the entire situation so I invited him to

Well, long story short, he seems to like having some bastards at MSFN rule over him instead of having freedom.

You were right "Scorpius", he can go fuck himself. :|

Drugwash.PNG (76.18 KiB) Viewed 3484 times

Fool's design, 2014-02-05 14:04 »

Haha, yeah... being able to SPEAK FREELY is indeed what makes a forum in the first place. Hopefully, we will grow larger as time goes by. It is not fun to watch some of the members leaving, completely illogical and we do NOT understand their reasons. If they wish to return at some point in the future, they are most welcome. :)

PROBLEMCHYLD, 2014-02-05 11:20 »

Well damn, I guess having freedom don't mean shit these days. This is why I keep my guns and lots of ammo. I sorry to see some people go. Me personally, I would rather be able to express myself, than be a yes man. Its good to know, I can tell the mods here to fuck off and not get banned.
It is a good feeling to channel the anguish and feel relieved afterwards. Hey mods fuck off. Just kidding :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Any other forum, I would have been banned. I'm here to stay until............................................

Scorpius, 2014-02-04 23:09 »

haters_gonna_hate3.jpg (156.82 KiB) Viewed 7122 times

Fool's design, 2014-02-04 22:54 »

Hello everyone!

Thank you all for the good suggestions.

We have decied to go with the 4 months option. If a member does not show up in 4 months, that is roughly 120 days, that member's account will be deleted without any warning. We will try to send a notification prior to deletion to a selected few, however. For example if someone is very active and suddenly doesn't show up, we will try to (it is not a promise) to send a notification to make sure things are "OK" or not. If you are not logged in or don't have cookies enabled, we will not see you as an active member because the login function will simply not work. To those of you without any posts, no need to worry. We are not a bunch of fools. In order for your account to be counted as active, all you need to do is to visit us while being logged in, there is no need of doing a junk post once every 120 days.

Edit: Updated the rules, terms and conditions to reflect this change.

We dislike locked threads so this thread will of course remain open.

Fool's design, 2014-02-03 00:34 »

EMPTORXC wrote:...I'm sure if DrugWash wished to return under some other username, that would be copasetic...

He is always welcome to come back, even under his old nickname. We are unlike other forums and hold no grudges against anyone. :relaxed:

!, 2014-02-03 00:32 »

EMPTORXC wrote:...But I must say, I have suspected for some time that his Avatar simply didn't meet the prevailing
standards of Revoltation and Horificity for this Board...

Hahhha... :lol:

EMPTORXC, 2014-02-02 14:26 »

Thank you all. My profile is ready to be deleted. Admin, please delete my account as soon as poosible, including any and all backups o . . . ..Whoahhh there horsie!!! Methinks peeps needs to thinks
stop mixing them drinks!!

I'm sure if DrugWash wished to return under some other username, that would be copasetic.
But I must say, I have suspected for some time that his Avatar simply didn't meet the prevailing
standards of Revoltation and Horificity for this Board...

which reminds me... Scorpius - 'The GIMP' called - he says stop cutting holes in his costume or
[Huh :o ?..Oh, that can't end well... :shock: ]

Scorpius, 2014-02-02 02:48 »

You are not required to post something just to be counted as an active member. We have no problem with you having an account without any posts. As long as you are a regular visitor (and logged in), we will see you as an active member.

Fool's design, 2014-02-02 02:43 »

RFMaster wrote:Almost every day i visit the forum, I like to read, i don't talk much, only when i have something important to say. But if you think it's not good delete my account.
Because i have no plans to just talk "something" (nonsense) just to have a status "Active Member".

Our reply:
Fool's design wrote:Hello!

We are still discussing what an inactive account means but as long as you visit us regularly, you should not be worried about being deleted. As you say, only fools speak because they have to say something and most fools do. Smart people speak because they have something to say. :)

The first time we deleted your account, it was just a mistake that we thought it was a bot. We do not delete accounts that have no posts and visit us regularly. No worries and thank you for your thoughts. We appreciate the time you took to write to us.

Fool's design

To be clear, having no posts does not mean that we will delete your account! As long as you visit us regularly, we will gladly keep your account. Our regular visitors are our "customers" and they are most welcome to have an account. Just remember that if you are not logged in then there is no way for us to know that you visit us.
