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What are the l a s t four characters of "c30a3c4df493ac6090d3d25a"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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!, 2017-03-31 15:58 »

!, 2017-03-31 15:23 »

I don't know if good or bad, but I used this.

(2.03 MiB) Downloaded 2549 times

spy02.PNG (49.45 KiB) Viewed 29802 times

spy01.PNG (54.48 KiB) Viewed 29802 times

spy03.PNG (4.29 KiB) Viewed 29802 times

nuckinfuts, 2017-03-22 04:41 »

I nearly pissed my pants reading this 2 yr old thread. :clap:

Re: How to disable Windows 10 spyware telemetry logging

Kittypie070, 2015-12-07 19:31 »


Uh....that's really all the response I can offer right now :roll: .

Re: How to disable Windows 10 spyware telemetry logging

Steven W, 2015-11-04 23:45 »

TmEE wrote:Handle made out of glass is a recipe for disaster when youl ook at that picture :P

Perhaps the intent of the graphic's maker went over my head! :lol:

I never kept it long enough to even notice the missing options you're speaking of, although I was aware that Aero was gone. Once the weird shit started happening and there was no obvious fix, (yes, I spent hours reading Microsoft's website and Googling and trying various fixes) I told myself "Fuck this shit", and out came the XP CD. The only thing that think that could remotely be misconstrued as an improvement is that UAC is slightly less of a disaster in 7 than in Vista. Fukushima vs Chernobyl.

I'm forced to use 7 at work and I will give Microsoft credit for one thing, the crop function in Paint. That needed done years before.

Re: How to disable Windows 10 spyware telemetry logging

TmEE, 2015-11-04 10:25 »

Handle made out of glass is a recipe for disaster when youl ook at that picture :P
But I'm same with you, Vista and 7 are pretty much equal to me and actually Vista gets an edge because I can customize the UI to be less shit while 7 removed options. Both are equally slow and always grinding the HDD even though I thought I had all the weird stuff disabled. How fun...

Re: How to disable Windows 10 spyware telemetry logging

Steven W, 2015-11-04 04:28 »

MasterOne wrote:Whoever would have thought people would be going to such great lengths to find ways to protect themselves from their own operating system doing malicious things to them? That's not logical, and it's completely ludicrous!


Something that continually shocks me and is evidenced in the graphic that you uploaded, is how Windows 7 gets labeled "good". It just strikes me as a very slight improvement over the train wreck that was Vista. A slightly less disastrous derailment, if you will. I've experienced some of the very same problems in 7 that I saw in Vista, files, some of which I created, that I inexplicably lose "ownership" of and subdirectories within subdirectories with the same name mysteriously being created out of thin air. It may be slightly more stable than XP and have a few more useful APIs, but nothing spectacular. Is there something I'm missing or has being less worse than the previous disaster become a selling point? Seriously, I'm lost when it comes to 7.

Re: How to disable Windows 10 spyware telemetry logging

!, 2015-11-03 16:53 »

Haha... spot on with the camera at the end... :clap: ...where have you been by the way? We didn't see you around for a long while.

Re: How to disable Windows 10 spyware telemetry logging

MasterOne, 2015-11-03 15:03 »

windows_devolution.jpg (93.41 KiB) Viewed 45197 times

Re: How to disable Windows 10 spyware telemetry logging

MasterOne, 2015-11-02 06:35 »

Windows 10 is malware, plain and simple. I see a lot of justifications going around, such as, "If Microsoft makes the Windows experience only a little bit worse for me then I'll switch to Linux," but this is exactly what conditioning is all about. If people accept Windows 10 for what it is, then the next iteration of Windows (which will just be a rented OS) will be even worse. The only reason Windows 10 isn't completely a serivice is because there was push back from the users, but give it some time. It will be just like Office 365, where people get hooked and then Microsoft jacks up the price: ... ices_rise/

This is also the same type of behaviour of a drug addict. Justifications are always espoused from an individual subsequent to them already having made up their mind on why they need something. "Need", of course, is a term that only they feel is applicable, as it would be better replaced by "want". The justification may be complete bullshit, but denialism is something that provides a plush comfort zone for many.

The problem I see about disabling the spying stuff is that there are 1,000 different ways to do it, 2,000 different guides, 3,000 different posts explaining how, and 200 utilities to do it. Throw in the forced MS patches and you're in for a real science experiment/frankensteined PC. Plus, I won't be surprised if MS introduces new patches to Windows 10 that enables telemetry again. They backported the telemetry stuff to W7, so what makes anyone think they're not going to introduce future telemetry patches for Windows 10? Since the source code is closed, nobody knows for sure if Windows 10 is really doing any spying or not, after having tweaked with the telemetry shit. It's anybody's best guess as to how much data the backdoored OS sends back to Microsoft, even after best efforts to quiet the telemetry chatter down. I saw some videos of raw packets being captured on Windows 10, just when someone was doing normal desktop tasks. Scary to say the least. I think it was with Wireshark, but don't quote me on that.

Linux can't ever get this way because the source code is open and protected under the GPL. The Linux community is very anti-MS and anti-spying, so if someone ever tried to go in the direction of MS with open source, users would fall off like flies and there would be guaranteed forks. With MS, you're locked into a closed source hell, and you do exactly what they tell you to do. I already gave up on MS in the W7 era, but still have a Windows machine up for certain tasks. I have so many computers and laptops all over the place that it's not that big of a deal to run Linux as your primary "privacy respecting" desktop, and keep a dedicated Windows machine around for specific use cases. Microsoft sees how Linux is evolving on the desktop and keeps getting better and better, so they probably figured that they may as well get every last drop possible out of their existing "crack addict" customer base because those people are too stupid to know any better.

Rather than waste a bunch of time hoping that whatever tweaks and patches you performed worked just to get your "fix", I think a better option is to avoid Windows 10 altogether. By boycotting it, it sends a clear message to Microsoft that they aren't getting away with murder. If you do use it, even with tweaks, it shows Microsoft that they can get away with more the next time. And they'll find new ways to make all those tweaks and patches useless, when the users actually think it's protecting themselves. Whoever would have thought people would be going to such great lengths to find ways to protect themselves from their own operating system doing malicious things to them? That's not logical, and it's completely ludicrous!
