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Steven W, 2014-12-20 05:45 »

Steven W, 2014-12-20 05:36 »

Google's motion for a temporary restraining order: ... ning-Order

Project Goliath

Steven W, 2014-12-20 04:56 »

Well, well, well. ... ct-goliath

At the end of last week, we dug up news of Project Goliath, a secret Hollywood project to investigate and discredit Google on issues of copyright and web freedom. But while the documents showed how bad things had gotten between Google and Hollywood, they also showed how eagerly many state attorneys general took up the MPAA's anti-Google crusade - particularly Mississippi's Jim Hood. And less than a week after the documents were made public, that eagerness is starting to have real consequences.

I'll include a link to the earlier story at the end of this post.

The article includes a couple of email (I can't tell if they are full emails or just snippets):

[Attorney] General Hood called me last night and asked that we provide fresh examples for his planned live "search" demonstration of illegal site activity, including the availability of motion pictures only in theatrical release, which we are working on with our [outside counsel] Tom Perrelli's team.

It is after all Google's fault that this stuff is on the web. Don't doubt that. You'll never guess who else is vying for attorneys general ears in the ongoing battle with "Goliath". The following email from Mr. Perilli mentioned in the last email, will clue you in:

I spent more time with Hood after the meeting and, I hope, got him focused on the key issues and the asks. He really does care a great deal about piracy - and he doesn't get sidetracked by some of the things that Microsoft prefers. He wants Google to delist pirate sites and he is going to ask them to do that tomorrow.

It seems that Mr. Hood would now like a "time-out". Gee, I wonder why? ... wsuit.html

Here's the link to the original story that I promised earlier: ... ct-goliath
