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What are the l a s t four characters of "166d664c947364575f5a3eaa"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
:clap: :crazy: :thumbdown: :thumbup: :wtf: :yawn: :tired: :relaxed: :grin: :smile: :wink: :sad: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :razz: :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :mrgreen: :geek: :ugeek: :eh: :lolno: :problem: :shh: :shifty: :sick: :silent: :think: :wave:

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Kittypie070, 2017-08-04 01:06 »

Good lords that's hilarious. I hope the whiz kids tear it up.

Wile EC, 2017-06-30 15:28 »

Should be interesting, for the sake of science.... Might be usable to projects like ReactOS or WINE for reverse engineering I guess. And malware coders of course.

The source kit is supposed to be available to only "qualified customers, enterprises, governments, and partners for debugging and reference purposes."

Dunno what to think of this statement, though.

!, 2017-06-25 21:10 »

willy-wonka-meme.jpg (23.86 KiB) Viewed 6569 times
