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What are the l a s t four characters of "92843242aef63749bef45cea"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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Steven W, 2013-12-05 23:53 »

Oops. I forgot all about that. Laugh out loud!

``-_-´´, 2013-12-05 23:48 »

Steven W wrote:FWIW...

For what it's worth... don't kill us softly please. :oops: :P 8-)

*being evil*

Steven W, 2013-12-05 23:41 »

FWIW, the new device showed today and I'm loving it. Call clarity has much improved compared to the old one and no more need to have the PC running! Woot!

I contacted Tech Support before beginning the endeavor, as the documentation did not cover upgrading (keeping your account and all that), glad I did, I had to plug in to computer and download an upgrade to get things started, but went very smoothly after that. Perhaps their tech support has improved since last I had to deal with them.

I, user., 2013-12-03 12:55 »

Thanks, I really like this place. Sitting calmly, always reading and enjoying the posts. Not many places like this site, for sure. :relaxed:

Steven W, 2013-12-03 04:33 »

Aww. Well, keep chatting to us buddy! :D

I, user., 2013-12-02 12:08 »

I have no one to call. :?

Anyone else use Magicjack or similar device(s)?

Steven W, 2013-12-02 02:56 »

I'm just curious what anyone here thinks of any such devices. I've had the MJ for several years now and actually love the device itself. Customer service is a huge joke. Will probably have to deal with them soon as I've just "upgraded" to the MJ Plus through their Cyber Monday special which claims I can roll my existing number and plan over to the new device. The website seemed a bit flakey when doing so. I've got screen-shots to prove I jumped through all the hoops correctly though.

Anyway, back to the device/service itself, the service usually works very well, occasionally have to call someone back because they hear themselves echo, sometimes a little more delay than usual. One thing that I love about it is that it works like any audio device in Windows and Modern Linux distros (although the actual MJ software won't work in Linux) allowing me to use it with my cordless phone to chat in other programs that support audio chatting like Skype/various SIP/XMPP clients, Google Voice and Video Plugin in a browser, etc. I plan on keeping the old MJ just for that, perhaps wiping the MJ software itself. I know I'm submitting to being spied on a bit, but what service doesn't nowdays? I hope the new device works as well as the old one has and will be glad not to *have* to use Windows anymore.
