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What are the l a s t four characters of "c30a3c4df493ac6090d3d25a"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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Steven W, 2024-01-18 01:02 » ... 8797679618
Gonzalo Lira
For the truth about the Zelensky regime, Google these names:

Vlodymyr Struk
Denis Kireev
Mikhail & Aleksander Kononovich
Nestor Shufrych
Yan Taksyur
Dmitri Djangirov
Elena Berezhnaya

Once again: If you haven’t heard from me in 12 hours or more, put my name on this list.


Steven W, 2024-01-18 00:49 » ... 8037284888
Neither Biden nor his top officials ever once uttered a word about Gonzalo Lira, despite his being an American imprisoned by Ukraine for speaking out, and despite the most unhinged Ukrainians threatening Lira's life.

That signaled to Ukraine that they could do anything to him:

coach.jpeg (117.61 KiB) Viewed 7752 times

Steven W, 2023-08-11 03:10 »

! wrote:
2023-08-10 13:22
Not wanting to open up an old wound but I miss mine too, very much, she died many years ago but is still missed. :sad:
It's okay. I suppose I got lucky that most of my family 'started young' :lol: I am lucky to have had the pleasure of really getting to know her and having her around as long as I did. There's times I really miss her and experience a few regrets...

!, 2023-08-10 13:22 »

Steven W wrote:
2020-03-15 05:03

It's been nearly a year. I find myself missing your wisdom and wry humor.

R.I.P Grandma.
Not wanting to open up an old wound but I miss mine too, very much, she died many years ago but is still missed. :sad:

Steven W, 2023-08-01 23:28 »

230731-Paul-Reubens-pee-wee-ew-107p-407877.jpg (4.4 MiB) Viewed 14225 times
Mecca lecca hi, I feel obliged to say goodbye.

Steven W, 2020-03-15 05:03 »

g.jpg (27.92 KiB) Viewed 22871 times
It's been nearly a year. I find myself missing your wisdom and wry humor.

R.I.P Grandma.

Kittypie070, 2017-08-04 01:07 »


!, 2016-02-05 08:54 »

Kittypie070 wrote:...

Oh dear God, it took a while... I personally reattached all of your old posts to your "new" account. That's how much we care in here! *lol* :grin: Hopefully, you won't "lose" your account again. :mrgreen:

Re: Lost in battle (deleted users)

!, 2015-12-07 19:37 »

lol... welcome back I guess. :smile: (Your old posts are of course still here, not deleted.) By the way, after 120 days is when you get deleted. Your old account was last active "2015-06-16" so you did not miss the deadline by two days. :wink:

Re: Lost in battle (deleted users)

Kittypie070, 2015-12-07 19:20 » wrote:Updated the list. ("Kittypie070")


I missed the deadline by two daze and ended up re-registering.

I was busy blowing bubbles in a bowl of cream with my nose.
