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What are the l a s t four characters of "c30a3c4df493ac6090d3d25a"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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Steven W, 2023-03-05 01:40 »

Steven W wrote:
2022-11-13 02:20
Oh Gawd. Apple and Gen Z ... albreaker/ ... ith-gen-z/
The FT report says younger consumers are concerned about being socially ostracised for not having an iPhone. This drives Gen Z’ers to buy an iPhone, which leads them to buy other Apple products and services. This is leading to a growing market share for the Cupertino firm, across multiple product categories.
I remember Apple's slogan 'Think different'. Now I guess it's:
You don't want to be different from the other cattle that believe our corporate bullshit, do you?
Given the price of their junk, I guess the 'YOU DON'T WANT EVERYONE TO THINK YOU'RE A POOR FAG DO YA?' applies too.

Yep, if you are literally are embarrassed by the green bubble of had to haz an iPhone because your friend has one, you're a dumb sack shit. That is all. Have a nice day!

Steven W, 2022-11-27 11:17 »

May_be_hope_4Twatter_after_all.jpg (79.48 KiB) Viewed 18495 times
Necessary indeed.

Steven W, 2022-11-24 15:27 »

'!', I thank you. You got some wheels turning in my head. I realized how to kinda sum up what MS is doing. They're making the transition from selling products to a model like Twatter has always been -- showing ads or selling add-ons to monetizable users. :wink:

I think they're afraid that if they do it all at once, users might walk away. It's funny that Google's beaten them to a shelled-out husk of an OS (I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing, in some ways it can be easier to 'secure' for example), but I wonder if MS believes it will be able to continue sell Windows... :think:

Steven W, 2022-11-16 01:36 »

You do realize what lies at the heart of Android, right?

!, 2022-11-15 22:32 »

GIMP is great and LibreOffice + Thunderbird fully enough and sufficient. I think truth is, at the end of the day, Android was simply a better product for the modern world. No one sits at a PC anymore. I personally haven't owned a PC for years now. Chilling in bed with a big screen phone is much nicer.

Chromium, the base browser, is "good enough", that's why every browser is building on top of it. Another truth is, Firefox is junk, it's simply not good enough. I used it on Android and it was one of worst experiences I've ever had with a software on my phone.

They are old thinkers, just like "Linux" advocates, they claim they are smart but truth is, they are not. They don't and can't understand end-users at all. They are unable to create good user experience.

Linux failed to overtake Windows and Windows failed to overtake Android, for the same reasons.

10 years from now, probably something better will replace Android, most probably for similar reasons.

Same with many things, for example, Twitter might not be the best thing but it's good enough, much better than a bunch of power hungry techy morons as forum administrators. Twitter was a better product, killed the forums. Good riddance to be honest, I've never had any good experience on any forum, always these idiot administrators come and interfer with even simple talk between people.

Windows gave people power when Linux didn't and couldn't even though it claimed it would. Making impossibly complex junk just to browse the damn internet isn't empowering people. Windows empowered people.

So did Android, so did Twitter, so did Instagram, so did TikTok, etc., they allowed normal people to create their own bubble, their space, however they like it and customize it as they see fit for each individual.... WITH EASE. No need to go suck some Linux techy moron's ass on some forum to "PLEASE SIR HELP ME INSTALL MY WIFI".

Fuck all of them forums and windows and moderators and power hungry techies.... yes, including Linux.

Steven W, 2022-11-13 02:20 »

Heh, I felt the need to reply here. Particularly regarding pirating Microsoft software. I don't personally give a fuck. Pirate or don't. I don't care. I don't get paid enough by the billion-dollar corp to give a flying fuck. I get that as a site operator, you have to follow the laws of where your hosted and perhaps even other laws...

When I was asking about 'just mentioning them' I was meaning by name, no links, yada, yada. I don't know why today of all days, this popped into my head: ... story.html
Of course, Microsoft executives prefer that people buy, but theft can build market share more quickly, as company co-founder and Chairman Bill Gates acknowledged in an unguarded moment in 1998.
“Although about 3 million computers get sold every year in China, people don’t pay for the software. Someday they will, though,” Gates told an audience at the University of Washington. “And as long as they’re going to steal it, we want them to steal ours. They’ll get sort of addicted, and then we’ll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade.” long as they’re going to steal it, we want them to steal ours.
I suspect that thinking on that subject has changed over the years. It almost makes you wonder though that, back then, if the whole reason that the anti-piracy measures were so weak was that MS could act like a drug dealer, essentially giving away a few samples. Knowing that they'd tighten the stuff up after you were addicted AND THEN YOU'D PAY! Hell, Gates himself said 'sort of addicted'.

I bet now, that they're essentially re-making Google Chrome for their browser (I see it as a tacit admission that they can't code anymore) and tons of people are using alternatives to Office, they regret the decisions to use/abuse their dominant position back then and for using the drug dealer's logic.

In one of the sadder tactics used by Microsoft's shills, I've recently seen comments on posts at sites discussing Office 365 essentially saying that 'You're poor if you can't afford to give the corporation a hundred dollars a year to use their online horseshit'.
Perhaps I should yank out GIMP and design a Proud Poor Fag Badge.

!, 2022-04-02 10:41 »

Personally, I used warez only when I was a kid, for an adult, this stuff is never safe or morally right imho. Who knows what's inside the hacked stuff, virus etc. I'm not into computers anymore though since many years back. Anyway, what I mean is, illegal stuff isn't allowed here. This isn't a warez site, it's a place to have a tech talk.

Steven W, 2022-03-30 02:13 »

! wrote:
2022-03-29 18:31
The server is in Netherlands, and EU, so the laws of those countries apply. I don't think talking about some random site it's illegal there, as far as I know.
I suppose some words of caution here. Obviously, no one @ this site can babysit anyone. If 'warez' or hacks/cracks are mentioned here, we have no way of knowing whether or not they are safe to start with and, further, if you try to track them down with a search engine, whether the site(s) you'll end up finding them on are safe either.

Heck, for that matter, even if you're getting software/files from *anywhere*, even if a link (or file) were valid at the time it was posted/uploaded, sites get hacked every day, unfortunately. Caveat emptor!

!, 2022-03-29 18:31 »

Steven W wrote:
2022-03-18 03:14
Mocan wrote:
2022-03-16 19:28
Sorry for the bump, but MSFN is certainly pathetic.

Not to mention, the alternatives are just as shit.

You have MyDigitalLife, which forces you to register to look at fucking anything, which is run by a total creep who kicked out every single regular user for not defending some pedophile who was his ex-boyfriend, its spinoff Eclectric which is just... dead, but seems like a viable alternative for what it's worth, and RyanVM which is shut off to new users (probably for the better, as otherwise we'd be seeing the likes of R3n and Compa over there, too).

The amount of cocksucking concering ppl like feodor and roytam1 as well as msfn mods seemingly allowing a hostile environment to manifest in the form of Dixel Draker, a user who has been at it for a long time and seemingly has never been even noticed by the mods to have had a duplicate account (while users who admit to pirating are banned - isn't the majority of these 'legacy' people running on pirated things anyway and the activation channels for them are basically completely dead now)?
Welcome aboard Mocan. I had never heard of or Electric. From the way you describe them, that may be for the best. I can't speak for '!', the 'owner' of the forum -- I know that he doesn't want links to warez, but I would be curious to know how he felt about just mentioning them. Personally, I don't think pretending that outside world doesn't exist is all that wonderful. Along that line, some of the projects over at MDL may have led to them not making everything viewable without logging in. :wink:. Regarding all the 'activation channels', they essentially didn't exist before XP. Even with XP, it's extremely simple to bypass and avoid the 'WGA updates' (something that MS trying to foist on users after-the-fact I found kinda pathetic). Last time I checked, you can still activate XP, at least by phone. I personally have over 10 XP retail boxes unopened, but that's neither here nor there :lol: . Every board has 'rockstars', but I get what you're saying -- there's a difference between gratitude and a never-ending blowjob. As to the hostile stuff, there's something gratifying about literally being able to tell people to go fuck themselves instead of having to come up with 'polite ways' of saying the same thing.

Anyway, hope you like your time here. :wave:
The server is in Netherlands, and EU, so the laws of those countries apply. I don't think talking about some random site it's illegal there, as far as I know.

!, 2022-03-29 18:28 »

Mocan wrote:
2022-03-16 19:28
Sorry for the bump, but MSFN is certainly pathetic.

Not to mention, the alternatives are just as shit.

You have MyDigitalLife, which forces you to register to look at fucking anything, which is run by a total creep who kicked out every single regular user for not defending some pedophile who was his ex-boyfriend, its spinoff Eclectric which is just... dead, but seems like a viable alternative for what it's worth, and RyanVM which is shut off to new users (probably for the better, as otherwise we'd be seeing the likes of R3n and Compa over there, too).

The amount of cocksucking concering ppl like feodor and roytam1 as well as msfn mods seemingly allowing a hostile environment to manifest in the form of Dixel Draker, a user who has been at it for a long time and seemingly has never been even noticed by the mods to have had a duplicate account (while users who admit to pirating are banned - isn't the majority of these 'legacy' people running on pirated things anyway and the activation channels for them are basically completely dead now)?
lol welcome, no worries, we don't have stupid "don't bump old threads rules" in here. :geek:
