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What are the l a s t four characters of "92843242aef63749bef45cea"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
:clap: :crazy: :thumbdown: :thumbup: :wtf: :yawn: :tired: :relaxed: :grin: :smile: :wink: :sad: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :razz: :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :mrgreen: :geek: :ugeek: :eh: :lolno: :problem: :shh: :shifty: :sick: :silent: :think: :wave:

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I, user., 2014-07-11 03:36 »

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I, user., 2014-04-22 01:48 »

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!, 2014-02-17 12:25 »

Corporate fools... making a "TV" out of everything. ::thumbdown::

Mozilla to sell New Tab page ads in Firefox.

Paid advertisements are on their way to Mozilla Firefox's New Tab page in an attempt to show more sites to first-time browser users.

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!, 2014-02-02 03:08 »

Technology company? Not anymore it seems. Bill Clinton talking in a conference about SharePoint? LOL!

Bill Clinton will be speaking at Microsoft's SharePoint Conference 2014.

Microsoft will hold its first SharePoint Conference in over a year on March 3-6 in Las Vegas and today the company announced that it will bring in a very well known political figure to be its keynote speaker.

Exactly what President Clinton will be speaking about to a group of IT professionals is unknown at this point. The General Registration is still open for SharePoint Conference 2014 at a cost of $1,995, which also gives attendees access to the exhibit area, along with all of the conference's sessions and evening events, and even providing daily meals. There's also an Exhibit Hall only pass for $350 and a Guest Pass for $150 that lets users attend a party at the conference on March 4th.

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Ps. Damn, he (Clinton) still looks good! The guy is almost 70! ::thumbup::

CharlotteTheHarlot, 2014-01-19 06:06 »

I strongly suspect that the pivot point for spook infiltration was at the Longhorn-Vista junction, a wholesale rewrite of the OS is more than coincidence. It fits into the PRISM timeline.

If he means that was his biggest mistake then who am I to argue?

!, 2014-01-08 01:29 »

Well, it took him a while but wait a few more years and he will probably be confessing about Windows 8.x as well. 8-)

Although personally, I never had too many issues with Vista outside some weird driver problems but Windows 8.x, oh that one is a totally different beast. :evil:

Steve Ballmer: Longhorn-Vista was the "single biggest mistake I made" as Microsoft CEO.

Not only because the product wasn't a great product, but remember it took us five or six years to ship it. Then we had to sort of fix it. That was what I might call Windows 7. And what we wound up with (was) a period of let's say seven or eight years where we had the A-team -- not all of the A-team but a bunch of our best people -- tied up not driving. We did not make years progress in eight years, and there were other things those people could have been working on, (like) phones.

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Drugwash, 2013-12-27 11:01 »

Sounds like Paradise there... At least half a month I have to pass on checking my friends' blogs, where they have large pictures, because those wouldn't load more than 5-10% even if I waited for an hour. That may be some limitation in my browser (Firefox 13 on XP) but it's definitely triggered by the low download speed. If I tried to download some full Linux distro DVD image, I'd instantly deplete my monthly quota. I feel so oppressed...! :(

TmEE, 2013-12-24 15:16 »

I really do mean unlimited, without speed decreases. Though we do get that too, just not much.

Drugwash, 2013-12-24 13:29 »

Yeah, mine too. About same price for a GPRS/EDGE modem. The trick is, after 5GB of download they limit the bandwidth to 14kB/s. So sure, you can download as much as you want. But compute a maximum of 14kB/s multiplied by the rest of the days until the end of the subscription month* and take into account possible/usual usage/rest time and that 'unlimited' becomes a very small amount in reality.

The word 'unlimited' is just a marketing strategy, nothing more.

TmEE, 2013-12-17 15:32 »

ISPs in my country offers unlimited data on mobile internet for as low as 5? per month... no signs of gas running out yet LOL
