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What are the l a s t four characters of "c30a3c4df493ac6090d3d25a"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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!, 2015-08-25 03:37 » uses Disqus too. Not much of a geeks if they can't even provide THEIR OWN MOTHERFUCKING COMMENTING ENGINE ON THEIR OWN MOTHERFUCKING SERVERS. Fucking idiots. :sick: :sick: :sick:

I will call them "Minor geeks" from now on. :lol:

majorgeeks.PNG (36.66 KiB) Viewed 2239 times

!, 2014-08-07 05:56 »

These services are all about mapping and categorising people, violating their privacy to salesmen and conmen.

Steven W, 2014-08-06 01:26 »

I think uppity twats telling folks how their "supposed" to behave using videos with annoying background music uploaded to Youtube are, by far and away, the worst.

Karkunnen, 2014-08-05 12:30 »

Is Disqus that bad? I think it's more of a comment system to prevent spam. It may have its uses. I think being annoying on Facebook is much worse.

CharlotteTheHarlot, 2013-11-17 10:17 »

It is quite amazing just how bad some of the commenting systems are now. Many sites just throw them in seemingly random order, but actually most recent first. So the only logical way to navigate a thread is to first read the top post and then keep pressing "end" to get to the bottom so they autoload ( or worse, keep pressing the next page ) to find the earliest comments and then work backwards.

It's as if the goal is to make the sheeple even stupider than they already are.

MasterOne, 2013-11-13 04:52 »

It's not "DISQUS", it's: "Disgust"!

!, 2013-11-13 04:32 »

Damn, even uses this Disqus crap. So much for major "geeks" huh? ::thumbdown::

all_seeing_eye_by_e1_since1987-d6ffjsm.jpg (165.22 KiB) Viewed 7917 times

Blissy, 2013-03-28 08:42 »

They are probably just documenting all the people they are going to kill off in the "Great Gleaning" of the herds, so they can justify it to future generations by picking and choosing things we say that are good reason to get rid of us all. lol.

!, 2013-03-28 03:05 »

Well, when almost all major "news" websites start using and promoting this tool, you know something is fishy. Just like how they made Facebook a hit and we all know how that went. The scary part is people keep falling for this. Year in and year out. Not that I got anything to hide, really. I'm sitting naked in my chair at home and drinking tea. *lol* ...but still, it's all very weird. A brave new world I suppose.

Blissy, 2013-03-28 02:19 »

Yet another tracking mechanism, adding your thoughts, ideas, and opinions to a central database, so the powers that be can more easily identify and isolate disgruntled revolutionaries and "terrorists"... ?
