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Windows 8 - The built-in moronic pop-up called "Charms bar"

Fool's design, 2013-04-08 09:02 »

Fool's design.

Windows 8 - The not so charming built-in moronic pop-up called the Charms bar.

You know how you can move your mouse pointer around on your screen? How often does your mouse get near the right edges of your display, to get it out of the way of reading something or perhaps just to close a window? The answer is of course, very often. Very very often.
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Now, imagine you are doing whatever you do on your computer on a daily basis several hours a day and an annoying, unneeded and completely foolish pop-up covers a section of your screen each time your mouse is moved to the right side of your display. Imagine seeing this hideous pop-up, involuntarily several times a day, hundreds of times a week.
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But that's not where the story ends! Not only you are forced to see this pop-up annoyance, you also HAVE to make a conscious effort to get rid of it, putting additional strain on your brain by moving your mouse away from the right side of the display. It forces you to do the exact opposite of what you wanted to do in the first place which was to have your mouse in that section! ...and if you by any chance fail to move the mouse away correctly in a timely fashion... it will cover EVEN MORE of your view! Fully hiding whatever was underneath it.
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It is like someone is covering a section of your vision and keeps telling you "No, not there." and forces you to move... SEVERAL HUNDRED TIMES A WEEK.

To be fair here, you will receive a bonus for all this effort you put in. You get yet another pop-up on the left section of your screen. Showing you an unusable icon and er... current date and time.
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For the icing on the cake, Microsoft calls this the "Charms bar". Oh, so very very very charming indeed. So very very very charming that it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Those are some of the many benefits of Windows 8 you WILL receive upon buying and using the product, whether you want it or not! In Microsoft's wonderland, there are no options. Only rabbits.
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