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What are the l a s t four characters of "ab847ae805dc98184168c1a"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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!, 2013-08-29 01:59 »

89-90 I think. I could never afford an AMIGA 500 so I bought a second hand ATARI 520 STFM. The greatest machine I ever owned. I'll always remember it. Not only the machine itself was amazing with excellent keyboard, oh, all those old games and musics. I miss those old times.

a520st.jpg (30.92 KiB) Viewed 4401 times

Ps. I sold it to buy an IBM SX-25 PC. I regret it to this day.

CharlotteTheHarlot, 2013-08-29 01:54 »

That's around 1985 or so right?

I remember drooling at that thing while working on countless DOS systems ( Windows wasn't worth a damn at version 1 or 2.

!, 2013-08-28 19:09 »

772px-Amiga500_system.jpg (74.27 KiB) Viewed 4405 times


Fool's design, 2013-08-28 19:07 »

leet. ^^


leet.png (29.63 KiB) Viewed 4406 times
