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Steven W, 2015-09-18 01:57 »

Heh. I see a journalist has linked this story to "irrational fear", which is what I've been trying to touch upon.

Her article is about parenting, but there's a larger picture here. I hate to use this link because I think it's generic and will likely be updated, but as of now it's the only link I can get:

In case the link is updated it's an column by Wendy Thomas Russell entitled Ahmed's clock proves it's time to disarm our irrational fear

Before I dive into what I consider the larger picture, I noticed something in the first sentence of her piece:

The heartbreaking story of a Texas 9th-grader arrested because he had the gall to make a clock and bring it to school to show his engineering teacher has left Americans understandably reeling.

Engineering teacher! Dear God! This makes this so much worse! If this kid showed this to an engineering teacher and that teacher was the one who felt the need to contact police, we have, in my opinion, two options to choose from:

    1. The engineering teacher is completely ignorant of basic science.

    2. The engineering teacher is a complete bigot.

While I mentioned the kid's religion, I wasn't trying to make a big a deal of it. Now that I know the teacher he showed this to was supposed to be teaching engineering, I'm having second thoughts. Wow!

That interview with Ahmed indicate that the "authorities" were interested in the fact he decided to put it in a case. Yeah, why the hell would anyone want electronics in a case?

Now as to that larger picture...

As an American citizen, I can see how this incident demonstrates something very wrong in our society. Our, as Wedny put it, irrational fear is beyond ridiculous. In fact, I'd say that other than intellectual dishonesty, it's likely the single biggest issue facing us. It's been the driver behind post-9/11 America. It starts with a bit of intellectual dishonesty:

Deny the fact that 9/11 could have been prevented if two governmental agencies would have communicated with each other. Then let the irrational fear take over:

Spy on everybody, that will keep us safe!!! Get molested at the airport to ensure you're not carrying anything bad!!! You need to buy a product to keep you healthy (Obamacare)!!! Yes, I know, to the intellectually dishonest, that's racism! We need someone to make sure our kids eat right because their parents are to stupid to do that. More racism to the intellectually dishonest because that was Michelle's signature shit. As with the "Helecopter Parents" in Wendy's column, It's all variations of the same theme. We need protected from everything.

Now take a good look at Ahmed and ask yourself, do you think this bullshit leads anywhere good?

Steven W, 2015-09-18 00:23 »

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Okay, I could see suspicion for a few seconds. Asking the kid what it is. Glancing at it and noticing that there's nothing there except electronics. At that point realizing the only thing that might "go boom" is a capacitor or two, but then I do have half a brain. No plastique, no gun powder, no plutonium oxide, et cetra, et cetra. None of the folks involved in this fiasco could figure that much out? PATHETIC!

Steven W, 2015-09-18 00:07 »

5 Officers interrogating and fingerprinting this kid, can you imagine? Big men! Our protectors! Hometown Heroes!!!! :crazy:

!, 2015-09-17 06:52 »

Oh shit, I read about this a few hours ago. Really, what the hell man... :lol: Talk about paranoid teachers, I mean, it's good that they are observant and all but jeez, it's a fucking clock! :problem:

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Steven W, 2015-09-17 05:08 »

"know good" :lol:

Kid builds clock experiences pervasive stupidity

Steven W, 2015-09-17 05:06 »

Stupidity is certainly pervasive in this country: ... school.ece

This kid apparently built a clock from some electronic components and:

School officers questioned Ahmed about the device and why Ahmed had brought it to school. Boyd said Ahmed was then handcuffed "for his safety and for the safety of the officers" and taken to a juvenile detention center. He was later released to his parents, Boyd said.

So, the kid was questioned without his parents or an attorney present. Nice.

"We live in an age where you can't take things like that to school," he said. "Of course we've seen across our country horrific things happen, so we have to err on the side of caution."

The he in that sentence refers to Irving ISD, Chief Larry Boyd. And yes, totally understandable logic, microchips, therefore suspicious. Then of course the kid happens to be Muslim, therefore doubly suspicious. With all due respect, what a Goddamned dumbfuck!

The chief touted the "outstanding relationship" he's had with the Muslim community in Irving. He said he talked to members of the Muslim community this morning and plans to meet with Ahmed's father later today.

"I gots all kinds of Muslim friends, I is cool!" The fact that he even found that necessary to say speaks volumes.

Boys and girls, ladies and gents that live in the United States be proud! Accept the nanny-state! Cower under your afghans and tremble at the thought of everything. Know that getting molested at the airport by folks that would otherwise be considered unemployable and having a government agency that sweeps up all data keeps you safe! Don't ever let your children out of your sight for a single second, everyone else is out to get them. Our Constitution is ancient and should be done away with! Don't question for a single second that you're forced to donate money to huge corporations for health insurance that you then have to pay huge deductibles to use. It's a good thing! Be true patriots and shove your snouts up all your neighbors asses! If you see someone using a computer and they have a "black screen with white text", call the FBI immediately because you know that person is up to know good. If and when the rest of the world seems to be passing us by, we can all crawl back under our afghans and tremble some more.

Think I needed to vent? Murica, fuck yeah!
