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What are the l a s t four characters of "92843242aef63749bef45cea"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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!, 2019-04-20 20:02 »

@Steven W,

I actually use "our" (the server running the Web site) as my main PC (All drives are fully BitLocker encrypted of course and no important stuff are "hot" or online unencrypted, I got separate BitLocker encrypted VHDX files which I open when I need so even if someone "steals" the entire server content, they can't actually open my stuff).

Works very very very well. I ran Windows Server 2016 but now "we" are moving to Windows Server 2019. The CALs are not that expensive. I buy them for about I think €5 a piece per month. Since the entire server is just a VPS I rent, it's not super expensive. I mean, OK, it is expensive for my budget, I pay about €80 per month for it but I get a lot of "bang for the bucks". Server running all my Web sites including + using it as a "desktop" as well. It does come with a few "spyware" but they can be turned off, no real big issue. I turn off most of the services. It runs smooth, fast and very nice.

By the way, check this out, Windows Server 2019, all the junk turned off of course, eating only 700MB. :thumbup: (667MB to be exact :mrgreen:)
700MB.PNG (409.66 KiB) Viewed 16496 times
Edit: @Steven W,

Here you go buddy: Windows Server 2019 light / lite edition.

PROBLEMCHYLD, 2019-04-14 19:45 »

I'm using Chromium on Slackware Linux and its pretty good running Incognito with Tor and I2P filtering dns etc....
Screenshot_2019-04-14_12-42-39.png (114.82 KiB) Viewed 16524 times

Steven W, 2019-04-13 18:57 »

Dear God! Nevermind! The cost of doing something like that the right way, with proper licenses, CALs, et cetera (you know, not opting for the one for charity) and then battling to make it into something it's not, I'll pass. Of course I could go the wrong way, but, eh, why?

Steven W, 2019-04-13 15:49 »

Steven W wrote:
2019-04-13 15:34
Hmmm. Does it come with all the spyware and bullshit?
In case your wondering where I'm going with that question: ... xperience/

An ongoing thread about using a Windows Server edition as a desktop OS might be of interest. I'm actually giving it some thought, would be nice to hear experiences from someone I trust. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. :wink:

Steven W, 2019-04-13 15:34 »

2019-04-05 08:11
Shit is becoming so redundant, I'd rather spend my time watching classic TV shows.
I know the feel.
2019-04-05 08:11
Nonetheless, you post interesting topics.
Thank you.
! wrote:
2019-04-07 22:49
Meanwhile, I'm upgrading the server to Windows Server 2019. :sick: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Hmmm. Does it come with all the spyware and bullshit?

!, 2019-04-07 22:49 »

Meanwhile, I'm upgrading the server to Windows Server 2019. :sick: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

PROBLEMCHYLD, 2019-04-05 08:11 »

I'm sticking with Win 7, after that I'll probably leave the computer world. Shit is becoming so redundant, I'd rather spend my time watching classic TV shows. Nonetheless, you post interesting topics.

Steven W, 2019-03-30 01:50 »

Well, it hardly comes as a surprise but the coming Edge browser, based off of Chromium, is gonna be a Win32/64 application (duh). I sorta chuckle at times at how disorganized Microsoft has become. Was there ever an exit plan from Win32? Did they think that establishing one before trying killing it off might have been a good step?

Oh, hey! We're going forward, Windows 10 users are gonna get a UWP version of Office: ... et-office/

Sure, they suck and watered-down versions of the Win32/64 versions, but no worries, they're also a portal to Office365. Oh, nevermind: ... rt-xcxwbn/
The Office mobile apps for Windows have not been deprecated. But for mobile, we are currently prioritizing development for the iOS and Android versions of our apps; and on Windows, we are prioritizing Win32 and web versions of our apps.”
Could you imagine trying to port Office off of Win32 to something else? I bet anyone who has ever written Macros for Excel has a good idea how tied that code must be to the Win32 API. How many man-hours would it take to re-implement all of the functionality of all of the various applications that make up Office? Perhaps a better question is, given that Microsoft ultimately wants to kill Win32, what kind of suckers are going to spend hours writing Macros on a Win32 version of Office? Perhaps put more succinctly, what value does a Win32 version of Office have now? What value is it going to have in three years? In five?

And now? The new Edge browser! UWP? Au contraire! This begs another question, if Microsoft isn't developing for UWP, who the fuck will? I had to download a Win32 application, aka Chrome, and install a user-agent spoofer (to pretend to be android) for my relative's tablet to act like a fucking tablet when it is a fucking tablet. I *almost* regret buying that thing. What was the point of all but ruining Windows? What value is Windows going to have when Win32/64 goes away?

If corporate America ever wakes up like *most* consumers already have, Microsoft is fucked. I've seen some of Microsoft's online tools, Sharepoint for example. It's not that difficult to imagine someone offering something with similar functionality, perhaps simpler to use, cheaper and all around better. Not difficult at all. Hell, for folks that aren't lazy (or too cheap to pay IT personnel), you could already implement something decent on a server that you could maintain control over.

Oh yeah, still seeing reports of people dealing with the faulty patches that break things on a regular basis too. It's all kinda sad. :thumbdown:

Steven W, 2019-03-26 23:43 »

Well, what do you know?

I wonder if they'll think of loading mobile versions for tablet mode or at least a toggle switch in the browser? I also wonder if this mean MS will finally dump IE?

A much needed chrome extension (for some)

Steven W, 2019-03-25 04:30 »

I purchased an Acer Switch for a relative at Christmas. It's a two-in-one device, essentially a tablet attached to a keyboard that you can yank off the keyboard... Yes, it running the dreaded Windows 10. While I'd never use it on any of my computers (yeah, I'm including tablets, et cetera). I've done some taming of it and it's acceptable for her use, with a few minor exceptions. My gripes are pretty much all with Windows 10 and not the device itself.

Anywho, to the point. Microsoft seems to have put little effort into using the tablet mode. The Edge browser sucks. I am using an extension in Chrome to spoof the user agent so that sites think that the OS is Android and load the mobile versions when possible. ... g?hl=en-US

This is a hell of lot better for the most part than trying to deal with most sites when Windows goes to Tablet Mode. There are some issues however, video on Amazon doesn't seem to work in that mode. I am certain we'll run into more issues as time passes.

An extension for Chrome that would allow you to toggle the OS only would be nice.
Essentially report the current version of Chrome, but report that you were using the current version (or at least a very recent version) of Android would be awesome. Also, being easily operated (toggled) with a finger would be nice. Essentially saying use large buttons/drop-downs, what-not. I'm sure many two-in-one users would love this.

Obviously, if anyone knows of a way of modding User Agent Switcher to make the font larger or of another extension, please sing out.

Forgive my rambling, and errors in this post, I'm using the Acer at the moment.
