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What are the l a s t four characters of "ab847ae805dc98184168c1a"? You must also add "xx!1.." to the answer but type "1" as a word not a number.
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MasterOne, 2014-05-07 14:24 »

That ugly shit looks worse than Windows 1.0.

I, user., 2014-05-07 13:38 »

They are so out of touch with reality and their customer base. ::thumbdown::

MasterOne, 2014-05-07 09:34 »

How much did Microsoft pay CNN to run that article?

!, 2014-05-05 09:39 »

Steven W wrote:...
It's kind of like an on-board customer support technician.


Oh CNN, you comedians!

Steven W, 2014-05-05 01:26 » ... -8-search/

140501143741-windows-8-search-620xa.jpg (43.63 KiB) Viewed 3255 times

It's kind of like an on-board customer support technician.

Yeah, that's exactly what is like. Just like your kind of like a reporter 'n stuff.
