2015-06-16 06:10
Forum: The lounge
Topic: Mozilla Tries Foisting Ads on Users After Backlash
Replies: 37

HAHA that Mickey Mouse flipping the bird is both hilariously cute and kinda...ironic.
2015-06-16 06:01
Forum: The lounge
Topic: Dare I go here?
Replies: 69

What the hell, why would anyone consider the UK Mirror a news source of any merit? All it is is a screamsheet. Fools indeed And please do not take that as a personal attack. I certainly meant no insult to the poster. My ire is exclusively toward the Mirror, which ought to be renamed the Chrome Toilet.
2015-06-16 05:50
Forum: The lounge
Topic: OK, what the fuck is this? Holographic moon?
Replies: 3

the moon, 'tis real, Luuuuuucy!
the moon, 'tis real, Luuuuuucy!
60181911.jpg (91.66 KiB) Viewed 3992 times
2015-06-16 05:40
Forum: The lounge
Topic: Lost in battle (deleted users)
Replies: 34

I came back to take a friendly snuffle around once more and poast a wee bit. Even if I live to be a million...those pics will always make kitty's heart ache.

Good reminder of the price of a certain kind of madness, or on the other hand, the price of survival of a culture.
2015-06-16 05:30
Forum: The lounge
Topic: SourceForge
Replies: 3

I heard too. What an absolute shame. They've knuckled under to what Frank Herbert called the souk mentality. :cry:
2015-06-16 05:19
Forum: Fool's design, editorials.
Topic: The case of insane scrollbars in Windows 8
Replies: 24

That poor son of a bitch is still puking to this very second.
2015-06-16 05:11
Forum: Fool's design, editorials.
Topic: Google - Shoving Google+ on your users' throat is foolish
Replies: 10

(violent liquid horking noises)

Sorry, I...don't have much else to contribute, other than that.
2015-03-20 03:22
Forum: The lounge
Topic: Windows 10
Replies: 67

*howls in pain while projectile vomiting*
2015-03-20 03:03
Forum: The lounge
Topic: The music thread, some things cannot be described by words
Replies: 189

This is all I got.

It keeps me sane.
2015-03-20 02:57
Forum: The lounge
Topic: Mozilla Tries Foisting Ads on Users After Backlash
Replies: 37

Palemoon 24.1.1 (x64) /Win7 Pro user here. I keep thinking I shoulda gone for the 32 bit version, but whatevs on that. I still had to hammer on it just a slight bit to get the interface itself the way I liked it. Phantomiser's "silverNblack" worked beautifully since I wasn't keen on the P...