2016-05-18 03:38
Forum: Fool's design, editorials.
Topic: Fuck Microsoft and fuck Office
Replies: 5

AAAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH OUTLOOK IS HIDEOUS! KILL IT, KILL IT WITH FIRE! I signed in today to my creakingly ancient Hotmail address to make sure MS doesn't take it away from me for another 90 or 180 or whatever days and oh gods it's like staring into an endless flat Hell. My beautiful user avatar...
2016-05-18 03:15
Forum: Fool's design, editorials.
Topic: Oh p00p, the ubiquity of Orange/Blue...
Replies: 4

A followup: The blue-white tint of smartphone screens bothers me a little bit. If I ever get off my ass and actually side-load the pretties I've chosen into my wonderful new toy, I'm going for lots of fiery colours, especially red . I have a nice little 8GB SD chip for the thing and I'm just waiting...
2016-05-18 02:50
Forum: The lounge
Topic: Windows 10
Replies: 67

I....I haven't updated a thing in Win7 since I stuck it on my hardware about a year ago. I turned Update completely off. I never even looked at it for over six months. I'll certainly never turn it on now. Thank gods NASA pulled Windows off the space station. Hope someone finds this interesting. m
2016-05-18 02:09
Forum: Operating systems
Topic: Unofficial Windows 98 Second Edition Service Pack 3.66
Replies: 861

Just poking my snoot in here, but it'd be hilarious for someone to figure out how to put a modified Glass effect in Win98 SE.

Unfortunately that someone is not me because I'm dumb. :razz:

Unless someone did it already...
2016-03-29 05:26
Forum: Fool's design, editorials.
Topic: Fuck Microsoft and fuck Office
Replies: 5

MS seems to truly enjoy shoving large pieces of cholla cactus up its ass nowadays. It just can't get enough of that extra-spiny goodness.
2016-03-29 05:18
Forum: Fool's design, editorials.
Topic: Oh p00p, the ubiquity of Orange/Blue...
Replies: 4

Oh p00p, the ubiquity of Orange/Blue...

I'm presently plowing my way through a huge treasure trove of 800x960 smartphone wallpapers. m It's a rather impressive resource with a lot of genuinely good and usable material no matter one's taste in phone wallpapers, and I'm having a fun time I had already known from elsewhere in the Net that th...
2016-02-29 08:23
Forum: Fool's design, editorials.
Topic: Slogans, logos and packaging that are in poor taste
Replies: 30

Steven W wrote:This is real, I shit you not:


Uh...I'm....gonna go back to blowing bubbles in a bowl of cream. :shock:

With my nose.

Or ass.
2015-12-07 19:31
Forum: Operating systems
Topic: How to disable Windows 10 spyware telemetry logging
Replies: 15

Re: How to disable Windows 10 spyware telemetry logging


Uh....that's really all the response I can offer right now :roll: .
2015-12-07 19:20
Forum: The lounge
Topic: Lost in battle (deleted users)
Replies: 34

Re: Lost in battle (deleted users) wrote:Updated the list. ("Kittypie070")


I missed the deadline by two daze and ended up re-registering.

I was busy blowing bubbles in a bowl of cream with my nose.