Have you ever found something really badly designed? Something which obscurity of its functions makes it hard to understand its use? Something almost unusable to a point it would drive you mad using it too often? Perhaps, a fool's design? Then you have come to the right place. Post your findings here and help making the world a saner place.
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2013-11-01 02:52 »

You know what's stupid? Downloading an .exe file in order to be able to download that .exe file! Say what you say? Well, that is what happens when you download Firefox. You download their installer program and when you run it, surprise!, it downloads another one which is the actual installation file. How about you give me the second download from the first place and not waste my time? Idiots. :roll:

...but hey, I get a "haiku". Whatever the hell that means. ::yawn::

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2013-11-05 14:20 »

"for your protection so you don't get fake program"
I know what I am downloading... grrr


2013-11-21 03:51 »

Haiku is a japanese poem style. Packs of three verses containing 5/7/5 syllables. Trying to shift attention from what is really important.

I noticed that lately (almost) everything downloadable online is obfuscated and/or requires tons of acknowledgments/approvals/captcha/etc. One cannot grab a driver for their hardware unless they download and install a "driver downloader", "driver updater", "driver whatever-the-fuck-may-be-called". This is made simply to keep people from grabbing drivers for another machine that the owner may not want to hook online. Obviously, such "downloader" may potentially install any kind of malware.

Now, this would not be a bad idea for computer-illiterate people that have no idea what a driver is or which version of an application os suitable for their system. But as is the case with everything else: can one honestly trust a third-party closed-source application made by who-knows-who? I for one don't. And in the case the machine that requires the driver/application really can't get online, how is one to fix it when they can't download the necessary software on another machine?

YouTube videos are not meant to be downloadable. There are browser add-ons that make this possible but the official site would not offer a direct link. Take my example: GPRS modem, 5GB download quota monthly which when depleted drops transfer speed to ~14kB/s (remember 14400bps modems 20 years ago?). No Flash plug-in and no machine would play a YouTube video in such conditions, so I'd have to first download the entire video and then play it through my local media player. I should officially give up, coz Google don't care about me. They just obfuscate the links. 21st century's policy seems to be: "no more direct links for the people - we know better".

I see a dark future ahead. Orwell's 1984 was a mild bedtime story in comparison.


2013-11-22 08:42 »

Aw heck yeah, I remember. I had an expensive 300 baud for an IBM PC1 and later a 1200 ( that's 4x increase ) then 2400 ( still just two zeros there ). The 56K era later ( that's three zeroes ) was like lightning compared to the early years. Note that the 14 KB/s you are getting throttled to is actually about ISDN speed ( which itself seemed real fast back in the day ). The old 14400 bits modems were way WAY slower than ISDN, running about 1/4 of the 56K bandwidth of 5-6 KB/s. Hopefully my math is still working!

About YouTube, I have occasion to download videos for various purposes and I can ( for the moment anyway ) recommend KeepVid, which is a java app that works in Opera and probably elsewhere. It is much better now and pulls all the various possible encodings. You get a choice of links that represent all the various "quality" choices you see in the YouTube selector. Just don't get fooled by the big "DOWNLOAD" links on the page ( you want the little blue links to FLV,MP4,3GP,etc ). The fake "DOWNLOAD" links are just like on so many download pages that likely lead to a loader file or something like that. In fact there might be an offline version of KeepVid that they are trying to send with those buttons. But I use the webpage and the java app only myself. Also, since it is a java app it requires a click on a "RUN" button in a windows popup dialog to execute the java app.

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2013-11-22 09:10 »

I use http://www.clickvideodownload.com, it's an add-on for FireFox, works perfect. I usually use it download pr0n from Redtube or Pornhub. :oops: :P :cry:

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Why the porn pictures? Well, BECAUSE I CAN! :mrgreen: Good luck doing that in any other tech forum. Muhahaha!

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2013-11-30 02:26 »

Actualy I don't understand why this hype against pornography. These things actually happen at home, more or less, so why would one be so outraged for finding it online when they already do it at home?! What outrages me most is people's hypocrisy. Teenage people do it and have always done it, admittedly or not. So better stuff a bunch of condoms in their pockets and teach them the does and the donts. Don't pretend we're so angelically innocent when we're not!

How the fuck did we get from spyware "installers" of executables to porn...?! ::wtf::

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2013-11-30 04:24 »

Because "!" can :P

I guess half the blame goes to the religious folks who think that sex is strictly for reproduction :mrgreen:


2013-12-02 18:57 »

Yeah, you're probably right. Religion - the other Big Brother. :(

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