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The case of insane scrollbars in Windows 8
Posted: 2013-02-25 11:39
by Fool's design
Fool's design.
The case of insane scrollbars in Windows 8.
Invisible scrollbar handles and disabled looking scrollbar arrows.
Not only the scrollbars in Windows 8 look disabled and grayed out (specially the arrows), in order to trick the users' eyes even more, they made the scrollbar handle almost invisible. Light gray on light gray. That's the stuff! After all, why would you ever need to know with ease what your position is inside a scrollable window. Design 101 at Microsoft.
Below picture shows how they currently look like and a quick suggestion on how it should be. Of course, we feel that the scrollbars' colors should follow the general color theme of Windows.
- scrollbars01.png (9.94 KiB) Viewed 30597 times
Posted: 2013-03-01 15:56
by !
Internet Explorer 10.x. What a bunch of morons those idiots at Microsoft.
- scrollbarinvisible.png (44.09 KiB) Viewed 37037 times
Posted: 2013-03-01 17:54
by JorgeA
That barely visible scrollbar was one of the first things (way back when) to tip me off that Windows 8 was designed by someone with zero UI sense. For chrissakes, why would you make it HARDER to identify the control elements on a screen???
Posted: 2013-03-13 11:57
by CharlotteTheHarlot
Man those scrollbars just suck. They Mega-Suck! It's as if you asked a class of 5th graders to create scrollbars using Microsoft Paint.
You see that embedded photo by
"!" in Post #2? Using that as a reference, here is what my scrollbars appear as in Opera 11.something using one of my own themes with custom scroll bars ...
- YV6soi5.jpg (18.91 KiB) Viewed 37018 times
It's not like I even tried that hard. I just wanted them to be clearly visible in my old eyes on a wide variety of browsers, operating systems and displays.
So what is Microsoft's excuse for that abomination?
Posted: 2013-03-13 12:54
by !
CharlotteTheHarlot wrote:...It's not like I even tried that hard. I just wanted them to be clearly visible in my old eyes on a wide variety of browsers, operating systems and displays.
So what is Microsoft's excuse for that abomination?
Just admit it, you just hate change! *sounding like a Neowin-tard*
Posted: 2013-04-08 12:05
by !
Here is another example of idiotic invisible scrollbars, this time in Spotify.
- spotifyinvisible.png (2.2 KiB) Viewed 36961 times
Posted: 2013-04-10 00:03
by CharlotteTheHarlot
I especially like when there is ambiguity between the scrollbar and the scrollbar track.
Then you accidentally click the wrong thing, the track instead of the bar, and the page jumps up or down rather than just moving a tiny amount which was the whole reason for grabbing the scrollbar in the first place.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Posted: 2013-04-11 21:24
by Blissy
- scrollbars.jpg (60.77 KiB) Viewed 36945 times
Posted: 2013-06-16 08:24
by !
Posted: 2013-08-11 14:16
by I, user.
Scrollbar for Paint in Windows 8. This is from a skin I use in WindowBlinds. The carrot/handle is almost fully 100% invisible to the eye on regular use. Completely useless.
Ironically, the skin is called "Precision".
- microsoft scrollbar idiotic.png (784 Bytes) Viewed 36595 times