Have you ever found something really badly designed? Something which obscurity of its functions makes it hard to understand its use? Something almost unusable to a point it would drive you mad using it too often? Perhaps, a fool's design? Then you have come to the right place. Post your findings here and help making the world a saner place.
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Fool's design
Posts: 315
Joined: 2013-02-14 10:11

2013-03-06 18:34 »

Fool's design.

Office 2013 - Mysterious invisible moving handles in Outlook.

You can move the Outlook window by grabbing the handles marked in green but not the section marked in red. To confuse the users even further, the red section has not a fixed size. If you resize the Outlook window, the red section resizes! Having an anchor in the right, there is almost no way to guess where the left border of the red section will be, hence moving the Outlook window becomes a guessing game.

Business as usual for Microsoft design team.
outlookmyst01.png (41.33 KiB) Viewed 4955 times


2013-03-08 17:20 »

Oh, for the days of a clearly delineated window title bar...

How about putting up a second picture showing a resized Outlook window and the left border of the red area in the resized window?


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Fool's design
Posts: 315
Joined: 2013-02-14 10:11

2013-03-08 20:34 »

It seems that it uses % so to the users' eyes, it is effectively random.
outlookmyst02.png (23.54 KiB) Viewed 4949 times

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