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2016-05-25 20:01 »

Yes, the motherfuckers bypass the hosts file but I use the hosts file nevertheless to kill other crap like Bing and such as well... this firewall thing works 100% though. Also, I do keep my Windows 10 updated but I take one snapshot before each update so in case they put anything I dislike, I can just roll it back to previous version... I tell you this because I will post in here if any changes or bad shit comes down... so in case you do want to do the updates, you can always keep an eye in here.

Although, I even killed off these "universal apps" as well. Actually, I even killed off my start menu in Windows 10. I don't need it, they can have it! So much drama over that thing that I got sick and tired of it. I just keep icons on my taskbar. :mrgreen:

...and as always, FUCK YOU MICROSOFT. :wave:

(I'm rude on purpose to them because they are filthy greedy disgusting things that don't deserve any kind of respect.) :oops:

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2016-05-25 20:03 »

Ps. My Windows 10 boots in 10 seconds. :clap:


2016-06-04 01:16 »

FYI: When I enabled the rule, it also blocked ALL URLs for some
reason. Specifically, I used IE11 to get to various normal URLs;
they all failed. My own e-mail peeper, which only has explorer.exe
as its' parent, also failed. However, when I restricted the rule
even further, to only the WinUpd service, then everything else worked
again. I'm hoping this will do it, even tho I've always kept that
service disabled (since '11), so, hopefully, my Win7 won't get
INFECTED(!) by Win10! I have to classify it as malware/virus/trojan,
since those newer KB fixes apparently installs their code to your
machine w/o your permission! I know a friend who woke up 1 day to
that different Win10 splash screen. She lost her passwords, had to
figure out how to connect for e-mail, etc! Only she knows how many
more problems that introduced to her machine!

I still use HOSTS to block most other URLs (due to dnsapi.dll?),
like the telemetry. I also DIS'd the latter via the registry,
which works, as the option is now greyed out.

I also do many ROUTE ADDs to block various IPaddrs that I see when
doing PINGs and TRACERTs against the various WinUpd URLs that I see
in Win7 when I REVIEW available fixes, even tho there are many of them
that change; it seems to work, but, say, only 95% of the time.
Somehow, some still get thru, even if I have a ROUTE ADD for them.
It seems that MS installs a DNS server at connect time, as shown in a
ROUTE PRINT I also monitor/log EV3008 in DNS-Client (stripped
and sorted to only show the description line which has the DNS, since
NETMON 3.4/DNS appears to be GONE in Win10?).

Why am I doing all this? Since 15SEP, I have 33 problems with Win10
compared to Win7; 11 are still pending, either circumvented, or,
worse, LOSS OF FUNCTION! I can't tolerate such garbage!

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2016-06-04 10:42 »

I hear you Tina, Windows 10 is garbage indeed! I know why your stuff got blocked etc. I just woke up but I will answer your post later today. Too dizzy from morning right now hahahaha... so yeah, I'll respond to your issues soon tonight! :mrgreen: :oops:

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2016-06-04 23:24 »

Haven't forgotten to reply, but too drunk now! lol... will do, soon! Tomorrow I hope! Sorry! :oops:

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2016-06-06 10:43 »

Sorry, till reply soon... omfg, third day, sitll drunk... :clap: :lol: but last day now, tomorrow I'll be normal. :mrgreen:

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2016-06-07 18:31 »

Tina wrote:FYI: When I enabled the rule, it also blocked ALL URLs for some
reason. Specifically, I used IE11 to get to various normal URLs;
they all failed. My own e-mail peeper, which only has explorer.exe
as its' parent, also failed. However, when I restricted the rule
even further, to only the WinUpd service, then everything else worked
again. I'm hoping this will do it, even tho I've always kept that
service disabled (since '11),

I'm STILL drunk, 4th day in a row but I'll try to answer now. *lol* ... you can enable per application basis in Windows firewall. I usually make it so everything is closed then you can choose to only open IE etc. You just choose which program EXE file to open in firewall rules.

Tina, hopefully, my Win7 won't get
INFECTED(!) by Win10! I have to classify it as malware/virus/trojan,
since those newer KB fixes apparently installs their code to your
machine w/o your permission! I know a friend who woke up 1 day to
that different Win10 splash screen. She lost her passwords, had to
figure out how to connect for e-mail, etc! Only she knows how many
more problems that introduced to her machine!

...those sons of bitches at Microsoft... Windows 10 "upgrade" thing is acting exactly like virus imho.

Tina wrote:... I still use HOSTS to block most other URLs (due to dnsapi.dll?),
like the telemetry. I also DIS'd the latter via the registry,
which works, as the option is now greyed out.

Yeah, good to mix hosts and other stuff.

Tina wrote:... I also do many ROUTE ADDs to block various IPaddrs that I see when
doing PINGs and TRACERTs against the various WinUpd URLs that I see
in Win7 when I REVIEW available fixes, even tho there are many of them
that change; it seems to work, but, say, only 95% of the time.
Somehow, some still get thru, even if I have a ROUTE ADD for them.
It seems that MS installs a DNS server at connect time, as shown in a
ROUTE PRINT I also monitor/log EV3008 in DNS-Client (stripped
and sorted to only show the description line which has the DNS, since
NETMON 3.4/DNS appears to be GONE in Win10?).

This one I don't know, never used it I think. :oops:

Tina wrote:... Why am I doing all this? Since 15SEP, I have 33 problems with Win10
compared to Win7; 11 are still pending, either circumvented, or,
worse, LOSS OF FUNCTION! I can't tolerate such garbage!

Garbage indeed. :thumbup:


2016-06-09 15:21 »

Unfortunately, I already tried that, with no success.

Here are the 4 OB rules I created:

Rule Name: BLOCK WinUpd,etc
Enabled: Yes
Direction: Out
Profiles: Domain,Private,Public
LocalIP: Any
RemoteIP: Any
Protocol: Any
Edge traversal: No
Program: C:WindowsSystem32svchost.exe
InterfaceTypes: RAS,Wireless
Security: NotRequired
Rule source: Local Setting
Action: Block

Rule Name: ALLOW explorer.exe
Enabled: Yes
Direction: Out
Profiles: Domain,Private,Public
LocalIP: Any
RemoteIP: Any
Protocol: Any
Edge traversal: No
Program: C:Windowsexplorer.exe
InterfaceTypes: Any
Security: NotRequired
Rule source: Local Setting
Action: Allow

Rule Name: ALLOW iexplore.exe
Enabled: Yes
Direction: Out
Profiles: Domain,Private,Public
LocalIP: Any
RemoteIP: Any
Protocol: Any
Edge traversal: No
Program: C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe
InterfaceTypes: Any
Security: NotRequired
Rule source: Local Setting
Action: Allow

Rule Name: ALLOW POPPeeper.exe
Enabled: Yes
Direction: Out
Profiles: Domain,Private,Public
LocalIP: Any
RemoteIP: Any
Protocol: Any
Edge traversal: No
Program: C:PPPeeperPOP PeeperPOPPeeper.exe
InterfaceTypes: Any
Security: NotRequired
Rule source: Local Setting
Action: Allow

After a TRUE PowerOff (not that lousy HIBERNATE, which causes
WTS to fail to start my tasks due to RC x'80070002' on Win10, but
works properly when I hear the Windows Startup sound), I connect
to the Internet, start both programs, and try to access it; they
both fail to do so (POPPeeper gets 'connection error', while IE11
gets 404/Page Not Found for any URL I try to access, even my

But, after I alter the WinUpd rule and restrict it to the
WinUpd service, w/o re-starting anything, even the connection,
then they both work normally (POPPeeper sees my e-mail headers,
and IE11 can access any URL, including my own).

Win7 does the same thing, so I must be missing something, but
don't know what. Worse, the doc for Win10 is no longer on my
machine, so I've been reading the doc on Win7 (problem#34 w/this
HORRIBLE Win10!!!), but, so far, I see nothing useful except
maybe this:

"Do not add service containers or programs that host services,
such as Svchost.exe, Dllhost.exe, and Inetinfo.exe, to the rules
list without specifying the individual service that is to be allowed
or blocked. Specifying only the service container as a program
might compromise the security of the computer."


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2016-06-09 17:50 »

One thing, you don't need to add "explorer.exe", that is the file management thing which shows "My Computer" and files and such. The thing you want to open is "iexplorer.exe" BUT... there are TWO of those, one is x64 bit and the other is 32 bit. One is in the "C:Program FilesInternet Explorer" and the other is in the "C:Program Files (x86)Internet Explorer", maybe you only opened one of the IE and you run the other one. Try adding both of them and see if it works to surf. I'll await report. :mrgreen:

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2016-06-09 17:53 »

Tina wrote:..."Do not add service containers or programs that host services,
such as Svchost.exe, Dllhost.exe, and Inetinfo.exe, to the rules
list without specifying the individual service that is to be allowed
or blocked. Specifying only the service container as a program
might compromise the security of the computer."...

Forgot to comment this one, that's true. Those load other programs inside themselves, (yeah crazy fucking Windows), so when you block them, a lot of other stuff gets blocked but it shouldn't be a problem. I mean, it depends what you use. Also, I personally use FireFox and not IE so I only have to open FireFox, I KILL ALL ELSE! *lol*

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