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2016-04-03 17:39 »

For some reason, I didn't have my old files for the RDP patch! :cry: ...but I found two places online which I think will work, specially the second one.

First is this: ... s-hack-xp/

The file:
(587.16 KiB) Downloaded 1044 times

Code: Select all

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ControlTerminal ServerLicensing Core]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon]

Just for your information on disassembling the original & patched file following HEX code bits have being changed:

00022A17: 74 75
00022A69: 7F 90
00022A6A: 16 90

The second is this: ... patch.html

The file:
(65.89 KiB) Downloaded 1040 times

I think the second one, the universal termsrv patch, will work for you. It contains both x86 and x64.

If you don't trust to run the exe files, I would suggest do what I do: Install the XP in a virtual machine. Run these in there and them you can just extract the "termsrv.dll" out from the virtual machine. This is the safest way which I usually use because then I only get that file out in case the exe files do other shit to my system.

Although, I think both of these seem "safe to use". They look trustworthy but you know, use at your own risk. :mrgreen:

I'm actually really curious if one of these will work or not because, I think I still have my Windows 7 patch somewhere, I could then upload that in here too.

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2016-04-03 17:43 »

Forgot to mention, another way is to run these in the virtual machine and if you don't even want to use that .dll file, you could compare the two and see what changes there has been and just alter the original system yourself but I think just copying the .dll file should be safe because they alter so little in it that I don't think it would be possible to put some kind of rootkit in it, it would show in the file size I guess. :think:

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2016-04-03 17:44 »

The first one contains the tcp ip patch too by the way. :idea:

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2016-04-03 17:47 »

I have tried the second one and it didn't work. I'll try the first one now. Be back in 10 min.

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2016-04-03 18:05 »

I get the error

The remote PC ended your session. If this keeps happening, ask your admin or tech support for help.
I am the admin, before some jackass ask the dumbest question of the year.

Tried all the patches. It even says the file is patched.

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2016-04-03 18:09 »

Damn, hm, this is a tough one because there are so many "verions" of that damn "termsrv.dll" file depending on Windows Updates. Maybe I could install your Windows XP in a virtual PC and try it locally myself? But without activating it to not kill your license. I can't remember if it was possible or not? Like, if I don't write the serial in there, would it still work for 30 days or so? It was so long ago I touched XP. :mrgreen:

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2016-04-03 18:12 »

Idk, not too familiar with VM

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2016-04-03 18:15 »

Do you have the .ISO for your Windows XP version? Then I could install it and give a try.

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2016-04-03 18:16 »

I only have Hyper-V, however. Not sure if I even can install XP in it. :oops:

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2016-04-03 18:42 »

I have a disc, I can create an ISO.

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