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Steven W
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2014-05-05 22:50 »

You've just given me a headache.



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Steven W
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2014-06-11 00:20 »

I figured out how to get the VBEMP driver, for my video card at least, in a wide screen resolution. Figured I make one more entry before I wipe the thing and apply what I've learned to a fresh install.

dtop_b4wipe.jpg (730.3 KiB) Viewed 14564 times

Lotsa.jpg (590.47 KiB) Viewed 14564 times

We've gotten a patch for lots of RAM since I've started this endeavorer:


Thank you RFMaster! I'm proud to have gotten us past a small hurdle there :wink: :


It's so cool to see how this site has developed since I've joined. We've got some great content and software now! It's been a heck of a ride so far! Thank you all! :thumbup:

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2014-06-11 01:47 »

Man, these screenshots take me back 20+ years!!! I hate you! Hehehhehe... :mrgreen:

Amazing how I miss the old days now. The internet was new and all... oh boy, I think I just got more depressed than usual. :think:

We did have a bumpy ride in the start but we managed to survive. Glad that you enjoy this place, even when I test stuff on the live Web site. HEHE *evil*

I don't have a crystal ball but hopefully, we'll be around a long time!

original.jpg (32.26 KiB) Viewed 14555 times

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Steven W
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2014-06-11 02:11 »

I was thinking to myself a while back about how this place reminds me of the spirit of the internet when it was new. We're bringing back the Wild West! Testing live, well, that just adds to the adventure! :lol:

"!", don't be depressed. Get ye to a thrift shop or ebay or similar site and get ye an old PC. Heck, like many of us are finding out, it may not have to be that old! :thumbup:

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2014-06-11 04:26 »

Hehe yeah, I had in mind a looong time. When Windows 8.x got me pissed off and MSFN banned me and I founded, I had no idea that would come out of it all. I got some more cool old school ideas which I will implement inside, slowly in the future.

I also had no idea people would even want to visit this place, let alone so many thousand visitors! Very surprised that even guys found this project of interest and they too joined in the fun... and the rest is history.

Hell, I might even buy and old AMIGA. :razz: Although, keeps me busy enough for now. (Oh, my eBay account has a 100% feedback. I have bought so much crap from there, it isn't even funny. *lol*)

You know, I should thank the MSFN administrators. If they had not banned me and deleted my posts, perhaps this place would have never existed! :mrgreen: Which is a rather scary thought! :think:


2014-06-11 04:31 »

Mmm yes, "!", do you ever sleep? :wink:


We (the people behind| are very thankful of all your interest, support, feedback and trust. We are the ones who should thank you all. Without you guys, this place would have been empty. You are all much appreciated!

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2014-06-11 04:33 »

Sleep is for the weak. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Steven W
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2014-06-11 04:53 »

Scorpius wrote:Mmm yes, "!", do you ever sleep? :wink:


We (the people behind| are very thankful of all your interest, support, feedback and trust. We are the ones who should thank you all. Without you guys, this place would have been empty. You are all much appreciated!

Awww! You're making me blush :oops:

@ "!", CoCo 3 FTW:

TRS-80_Color_Computer_3.jpg (89.35 KiB) Viewed 14665 times
Requires Java and a little knowledge of how to load various things... Hint BIN (binaries will just load).

Prog1.jpg (93.34 KiB) Viewed 14665 times

Prog2.jpg (47.13 KiB) Viewed 14665 times

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Steven W
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2014-06-11 05:08 »

Ahh good ol' Basic!

Reminds me of an episode of Futurama where we saw the innards of a robot church:

Gotohell.jpg (75 KiB) Viewed 14664 times


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2014-06-11 14:14 »

HAHA COOL!!! Perhaps now people will see a small connection between those pictures and the logo as well! Most of our visitors most likely do, however. :grin:

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