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2014-06-23 23:09 »

I, user. wrote:As far I know, there is nothing illegal about writing a special hex editor. Can you explain more please? :?:

He just wait to someone touch his files and to show explored data.

Trust me, you do not want this!

Non Hic wrote:these files will be (if not already) showing up on Russian forums, Pirate Bay and other torrent Web sites in Asia and elsewhere. ...and there is nothing... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you or "rloew" can do to stop them! Of course, this last part about anonymous users distributing the files is just a guess from my side. Who knows? Maybe it'll never happen.

I know that. Russians share even full versions of his programs, but i guess he allready knows that.

But they still don't have my files, and i don't want make it easier to them to get my files.

And i please people who have my files to not share them and to delete them.

I, user.

2014-06-23 23:33 »

I didn't want to touch his files. Just to write a hex editor. Well, MAYBE to write an editor. I am very lazy but I definitely don't have his files (or your files) and will not touch them. :tired:

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Steven W
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2014-06-23 23:34 »

RFMaster have you ever looked at Wine's VMM? It would be a hell of a lot of work -- implementing what's stubbed, et cetra. Just curious what your thought would be. Right off hand, I think I see where someone commented out old cold that probably worked more like Win95 (check for the bits before 'Please configure advapi32 to builtin'): ... .vxd/vmm.c

I know reactos has it too, not sure if there are mods specific to it.

Also ran across this little project which looks interesting:

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Steven W
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2014-06-23 23:41 »

If searching PAE DOS on Google something interesting happens:

PAE_DOS.jpg (97.71 KiB) Viewed 9139 times


Search for DOS PAE instead!

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2014-06-23 23:48 »

Haha what the hell... *lol*

hA8629F5E.jpg (49.21 KiB) Viewed 9138 times


2014-06-24 00:01 »

Steven W wrote:RFMaster have you ever looked at Wine's VMM?

No, I didn't know that they were make 9x things.

I will investigate it later.

Thank you for info.

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Steven W
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2014-06-24 00:13 »

It looks to me as though it was modded somewhere along the line to do things more like NT, but some of the 9x ways were just commented out. I can't find a version before the change was made, that might be nice to see. Some of what's stubbed would have similarities with other Operating systems too, although one would have to watch about mixing licenses. Some knowledge of VXDs and a DDK/SDK might be nice. Of course, you're probably aware of all of that.

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2014-06-27 18:14 »

So, for example, I want to disable the "Sign In" option in Microsoft Office 2013. I search for it and find this ... n-off.html:

seven forums office 2013 sign in.PNG
seven forums office 2013 sign in.PNG (222.32 KiB) Viewed 9050 times

They offer two .REG files, to enable or disable the "Sign In" in Microsoft Office 2013. The .REG files contain some "bytes" and put those "bytes" in the Windows registry (Microsoft's files). Like this:


Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Say they didn't offer the .REG files and the values to be changed, unless you bought an .EXE file from them. You for example, would pay them $10 to get the .EXE file. The .EXE file, would contain the "bytes" which you would need to alter. The .EXE file would open registry (Microsoft's files), put the "bytes" into it, altering "00000000" to "00000003".

Now, say whoever bought that .EXE file, compares the original Microsoft files with the altered ones and finds out that, oh, all you need to alter is to change a few "bytes" in Microsoft files. Since he has compared the original with the altered ones, he now knows which "bytes" you need.

You are telling me, that if he were to tell others about those bytes", that he would be "stealing" their work? It's his fucking machine, he found out what changed in it and he told others about it. Hell, he even made a better way, for example, instead of an .EXE file, he made a .REG file and started to distribute this for free online.

What exactly it illegal about this? That's right, nothing! It's your machine. You own it. You can alter any fucking files you wish in your own machine and put any fucking "bytes" in those files, on your own fucking machine. This is fully, 100% legal, at least in Europe.

What do you think all of these security researches do all day? The fool suggests that it is illegal to tell others about what "bytes" an application which you bought, changes on your system? Granted, you cannot distribute his .EXE file(s), of course. That would be illegal but it's not a serial number you put in "his" application. It's some "bytes" which you put in your own (Microsoft's) files.

See? That's why he can go fuck himself. :!:

"Stealing" and "Warezing", such words don't apply at all in this case. Which is what that moron fucktard (which I won't be naming) suggested. :wave:

We know that "someone" in here bought his patch. Now, if that someone would start a thread, and showing the difference between the original file and the altered version, there wouldn't be anything illegal about it!

If I gave two fucks about this (and Windows 9x), I would have bought his application and made a thread myself to show what changes has happened in my system. Only out of respect for RFMaster, didn't I pursue the matter and dropped it. Luckily, I got better things to do. :relaxed:

What pisses me most about this, is that if he would have approached the matter in a better and friendly way, he would have earned a lot more than $21 (or whatever the amount was) and he would have gained a real good reputation and a lot of free advertisement for his "product" (if you can even call it a product).

Last but not least, let me tell you, it is my opinion that if the "98 Guy" who started this thread, knew about the "original patch" and knew that it was obtainable for only $21, he is a complete utter fool too. What a complete asshole that doesn't want to pay this low amount of cash for something he needs and wants to use because I'm pretty sure, he can afford the $21!

Basically, to hell with both of them. The fool and the cheap bastard. Both of them wasted a lot of time from everyone. Frankly, I disliked the way the fool with the "product" handled this situation but I don't really dislike him. I just think he is a fool... but on a personal level, I actually do dislike the "98 Guy" person! (As long as he knew about this cheap patch and didn't want to buy it)

So, you, Mr. "98 Guy", if you still follow your own thread... if you knew about that cheap patch and didn't want to buy it... fuck you too.

Yeah, I know. I will shut up now and show myself out. :lolno:

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2014-06-30 10:54 »

What happened to rloew? I thought he had stopped me/us. He only stopped his payments, but mines are constantly growing :cool: Your rents due MOTHERFUCKER :razz: :!:

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2014-06-30 15:41 »

I think he realized, he, himself, is indeed in shady legal grounds with Microsoft! :mrgreen: (239.2 KiB) Viewed 9006 times

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