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2014-06-23 10:55 »

I, user. wrote:The best and legal way to do this is, if for example RFMaster wrote what bytes exactly (in hex) and which offset in which file. Then, ANYONE could make a patch for it. Even you could do a patch without containing those bytes. "rloew" wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
Anyone want to help me accomplish this?

I, user.

2014-06-23 13:30 »

If I understand this correctly, "rloew"'s program does the following:

1. You load his program.
2. His program loads a Microsoft file.
3. His program removes and replaces certain bytes of that Microsoft file with the same amount of bytes, but different ones, from his own program.

Is this corret?

So, we would need:

1. One original Microsoft file.
2. One Microsoft file which was patched with his program.

We compare the two files and will know exactly where and which bytes where changed into what? :think:


2014-06-23 18:22 »

Guys, PROBLEMCHYLD & I, user. Excuse me, but it seems to be the emotions took control over your heads.

Do not let your emotions rule you!

And don't do what you intended!

That's all i can say through this channel.

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2014-06-23 18:55 »

It's not about me, you, I, user or rloew. Its about principle. He disrespected them and people seem to wanna tuck their tails. With or without you guys help, I'll get even with him. You don't want me to distribute your patches, but then you don't want to help me create my own. SMDH
People from different countries does things differently. In my country, you fuck us over, you get fucked over 100x worse.
This is war! Either you are with me, or you are against me. There is no in between. I'll say this for the last time, why hasn't the Germans removed their files? Why hasn't rloew took legal actions against them? Something is not adding up. He knows the SP pulls a lot of weight.

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2014-06-23 19:22 »

A gift to you rloew. I decided not to put the patches in the SP. Only because the SP is 80MB and is very time consuming. So I decided to add the German files to RFMaster files and made a small zip 1.05mb. Now I can upload as much as I want in a reasonable amount of time.
FUCKYOU.jpg (114.28 KiB) Viewed 6771 times


2014-06-23 19:49 »


I'm not against you!

Don't you understand?

If you do that he will win and you will lose and this forum will lose!

That's exactly what he wants!

Don't distribute rloew files or my files.

If you want to put Lamp222's files that's another story!

I can't tell you more in public all aspects of this story and i don't have your email but you have my. Ask me thru email what you want
and i'll explain everything to you.

Do not ruin everything with one stupid move!

I, user.

2014-06-23 21:27 »

RFMaster wrote:...don't do what you intended!

As far I know, there is nothing illegal about writing a special hex editor. Can you explain more please? :?:

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2014-06-23 21:47 »

RFMaster wrote:...and this forum will lose!

Well, PROBLEMCHYLD will not be distributing anything from our servers. He won't be putting them inside his "SP". There is no legal problems here at all, so I think you are a bit wrong in that regard. There is nothing illegal going on in our forums, except talking. is not like such places as MSFN, where people stop talking about a subject, as soon as some motherfucking trash comes barging in and tries to scare them into silence! Talking is not illegal in Europe.

Although, I doubt that it's only PROBLEMCHYLD who might be distributing your or "rloew"'s files. Most probably, more anonymous users downloaded your files when you made them available on your Web site. You pulled the files and hyperlinks. We pulled and deleted the files and hyperlinks from our servers. ...but I doubt other anonymous visitors who downloaded those files would delete the files from their private hard drives, "just because 'you' or 'rloew' said so".

Since I am involved in the running of the forums, I personally never got the files, his or your files. (I am not even interested in running Windows 9x) ...and whatever we had on the servers got deleted as soon as his and your requests came to us to delete them.

Even the backup server is 100% cleaned from all of those files and hyperlinks. Everything is gone from our machines.

It is 100% true and if we would get a European court order to search in our servers this second, it wouldn't be any issues. Nothing illegal is on them. None of your files. None of "rloew"'s files. We are against pirating and stealing people's work.

But most likely, some of them anonymous users are angry and probably, these files will be (if not already) showing up on Russian forums, Pirate Bay and other torrent Web sites in Asia and elsewhere. ...and there is nothing... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you or "rloew" can do to stop them! Of course, this last part about anonymous users distributing the files is just a guess from my side. Who knows? Maybe it'll never happen.


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2014-06-23 22:04 »

You, me and I, user seem to be the only ones understanding whats going on. rloew want shit to die, but with the help of torrents I will keep it alive. He would need to get court orders in every continent, country and states. He might scare some of you guys, but I'm not having it. I'm only providing the files to people to carry on in this war. I seen this shit coming, that why I backed up everything. He really think he tricked me, but he never got payed. So who got fucked. My account is still a few hundred dollars richer.

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