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2014-08-21 21:35 »

Non Hic wrote:@The_Doomer,

Why won't you just buy it from the original maker? Costs only $20. Too expensive for you? :think:

No, $20 is not expensive. But the other one is free. :thumbup:

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2014-08-22 01:58 »

Fucking idiot. :sick:

98 Guy

2014-08-23 18:20 »

> Is there any other way to get hold of it?

Post your question on usenet, where there is no moderation, no censorship.

Specifically, post to the newsgroup

Problemchild - post your links there.

I have the patches as well, and will post them there if nobody else does.

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2014-08-23 21:50 »

Go ahead and post them over there. I'm kind of busy right now. Getting ready to go on vacation. Beware of rloew :evil: He and his faggot ass trollers will hunt you down.

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2014-08-23 23:38 »

98 Guy wrote:...where there is no moderation, no censorship...

Fuck you too motherfucker. How dare you? Check our operating cost. Next time you want to talk shit, go ahead and set things up like we have in here, pay it from your own bank account and keep it online for years. Only when you have done that, will you have the right to puke out your bullshit about "censorship".

Educate yourself and learn the difference between true censorship and breaking the law.

There is no censorship in here!

You piece of shit.


98 Guy

2014-08-24 16:13 »

What does this:

> Check our operating cost.

Have to do with or relate to this:

> There is no censorship in here!

Modifying posts or deleting content is censorship.

It can and does happen frequently on web-forums.

By design, it can't happen on usenet.

Get over it.

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2014-08-25 08:00 »

Fuck you motherfucker. Go anal fist yourself.


2014-08-29 12:55 »

You should wash your mouth with soap! :grin:


2014-09-06 11:13 »

PROBLEMCHYLD or 98 Guy is it possible for you to email it to me :?: :roll:

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2014-09-06 12:40 »

Maybe it's just me but I don't think this " The_Doomer" character is real. Just a hunch. Specifically, he wants you to email him, which would expose your IP and a bunch of other stuff... but hey, that's just me.

Or maybe, he likes my insults so much that he keeps coming back for moooaaare...

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