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2015-03-10 23:14 »

@ daman

I wasn't telling you to fuck off, trust me I don't beat around the bush. I was saying if your system don't meet the requirements then you shit out of luck.

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2015-03-11 08:36 »

daman wrote:F me?
Thanks I am perfectly clarified and FUCKING OFF as requested.

*lol* @daman, relax. He was NOT telling you to fuck off. Hahahahhaa... it's a figure of speech "you are fuck out of luck" for example. Doesn't mean "fuck you". It's a general "damn fuck out of luck" kind'a speech. :lol:

Like saying "it's fuck all stupid" or "I don't know fuck all" etc. :mrgreen:

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2015-03-12 04:39 »

That guy never understood that the SP fixes and upgrades originate only
partially from MS KB's - there are many later files in ME, W2K, XP which
form the basis for upgrade files in the SP - also other fixes for problems
or things lacking in Win98 that Gape and PROBLEMCHYLD and many folks
at MSFN in good faith nutted out literally over a period of years.
He wants to understand every line item in the Changelog? - fine, he can
commission PROBLEMCHYLD to write a book on it, otherwise=trust that the
SP represents the honest best efforts of those involved in producing it
& the changelog will have to suffice.
(...and a changelog entry for each additional version, reinforces that
good faith - a powerful argument for continuing entries, right fellas?

...I gotta say, reading his posts, - it's like I'm hearing the voice of
Gilbert Gottfried complaining
, the same phrasing , the word emphasis....
am I imaging its' Da'man? Oh well, leave you with this...

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2015-03-19 01:39 »

Shut the fuck up is my favorite line. You got people who talk too much and then you got people who say the wrong shit whenever they open their mouth. I don't like neither. I'm glad we are able to express ourselves without being banned. We don't need that crybaby shit in here. Contribute before you complain about what is what, who, where, when and why. We got about 40 members and from what I can see, we are pretty cool with each other. New members, keep that elementary shit on the playground. The site is full of Gladiators, no pushovers in here. I would suggest reading before replying.

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2015-03-20 12:59 »

Minor point need attending to sometime - the list of downloads on Page 1 in
this topic seem to be out of alignment with their headings & mixed up, ATM.

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2015-03-20 13:13 »

Looks fine to me. Could you provide a screenshot? :think:

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2015-03-25 02:00 »

It's out of order. The icon package will get you the SP. I can't post a screen shot because I'm on my phone. I bought some bad ram so my laptops is just sitting. But they are definitely out of order.

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2015-03-25 02:52 »

Oh shit, I see what you mean now. Wtf, sorry, I don't know why I didn't see it earlier. :think: :oops:

I'll take care of it tomorrow. :neutral:

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2015-03-25 03:36 »

Not a problem. :relaxed:

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2015-03-25 12:12 »

Damn buggy phpBB attachment function. It has messed up everything. I think it happens when a post has many attachments. I cut down on the number of attachments for the older versions and left only the http download link there so it should be good now.

(http download links are on our own servers so the files won't be lost due to third party disappearance :thumbup:)

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