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98 Guy

2014-05-22 14:10 »

The program driveicon.exe is part of my startup sequence and seems to be responsible for throwing up the message "Get DeviceID error" at least once a day (but at unpredictable times). It seems to be associated with a multi-card-reader I have installed a long time ago in a 3.5" drive bay. If I kill the driveicon.exe process I can still access and read cards plugged into the reader. I can't really find any info on the net about what driveicon.exe is for or if or why I need it, and nothing about the Get DeviceID error. Any ideas?

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Joined: 2013-02-25 18:36

2014-05-22 14:34 »

Maybe it fixed some icons for drives? Like checking files inside it to get the right icon. Just a wild guess though, I have no idea but my general rule is: If I disable something and everything works, I keep that something disabled. :D

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