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2014-09-12 22:11 »

I'll start the Topic an leave to others for a finish.
I was reminded of my "Dial-Up" days when I saw "!" complain of being cut-off during a long D/L. I advised him to look @ for killcopy.exe which may help. I have another bit advice for his Win98, ie;

""""Advise "!": More info on KillCopy:

my KillCopy_ver_note version I have is 2.85 for WinNT/2000/XP/2003
for Win9x/ME:
Must D/L (ver 2.82) from
Also: ------------
Look out for killcopy to change your "Delete"
into "ByPass ReCycle Bin and go straight to Oblivion!"
"!", I didn't know how to contact and send this; but this is better anyway. If it helps you, it can help others.

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Joined: 2013-02-25 18:36

2014-09-13 00:39 »

I personally didn't have that problem but one of our users had. That's why we had to alter the server time-out so even people with dial-up could download the files but thank you for this help. I'm sure it will be of help to others as well. :thumbup:

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