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2015-02-07 09:58 »


*mashes face to the nearest wall in terror*

Yeah my first sizable gripe in here concerned the artistry of icons and how horribly the new flat-design-imperative sucked


2015-03-11 11:43 »

I really need to update this thread, so I will include some pictures when I get a chance. As far as Microsoft's latest incarnation of Windows 10 which is build 9926, there haven't been that many noticeable changes. There's a new XAML-based Start menu which is ugly and buggy that really serves no advantages over the Start menu people are familiar with in Windows 7, and the PC Settings interface has undergone a renovation. You still have to browse through the PC Settings UI page-by-page, as there are no tabs or individual windows which are displayed when accessing different configuration options. It makes for a painstaking, hair pulling, vexatious navigation process that will make sense only to the lowest common denominator segment of society. The new icons in this build look like they are from Willy Wonka's candy factory; they really are stupid looking. I hope Microsoft doesn't use these icons for the final release, yet then again, I barely give a rat's ass what Microsoft does these days with their sinking Titanic.

Sataya Nutella is not doing a good job either. He's totally out of the PR limelight now, possibly because he was doing a poor job and the board recognizes this. People are so fucked up these days ranging from homeless retards on the street all the way up to big income earner feminists, that it's hard to say what anybody is thinking any longer. So many different socioeconomic sectors of society are on drugs, that I'm sure Microsoft has board members that regularly do meth and coke, and have erroneous epiphanies about what looks like a great idea. When Nutella talks, it seems like he's all hopped up on cocaine or some type of extreme stimulant, and that he has a microchip planted in his brain that controls his mouth. Like a teleprompter implant. Anyway, listening to him is mundane and his rhetoric is hackneyed. Couldn't a multi-billion dollar company find somebody better? The saying is true, that frequently people have more money than they do brains.

It looks like Windows Phone is turning out to be a total failure, as everybody I talk to either doesn't even know what it is or doesn't want it. Posters you see around town advertising apps says it'll either run on iPhone or Android. What incentive do application developers have to have their applications run on a platform that's DOA? You need developers to have the store function and make sales, yet developers aren't interested. It's a catch-22. Developers will only come if they can make money. How are they going to make money from a dead app store? How does a dead app store get developers? Why would developers of existing Win32 apps that make money off of Win32 development give up that type of freedom? Is Microsoft implying that developers are too fucking stupid to market their own applications on the internet?

Microsoft had an idea to come out with this dual-OS piece of shit that I don't know much about in technical terms, but it ran Android and Windows Phone OS side-by-side. I'm not sure if the Android app was virtualized or what, but if somebody wants to chime in on how it worked please do so because I don't care to invest any time reading about it. The idea was just about as stupid as Microsoft Bob. Does anybody remember that?

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Microsoft made Windows 10 to run on multiple devices, because their "unification" of devices strategy is such an oh-so-great-idea. Apple knows not to do this, which is why there's iOS and OSX. Windows as a service is also coming, because whether you like it or not, Office 365 as a service is successful. Microsoft wants to transcend this success into their Windows product, but they are treading very carefully about this. You have to listen to the verbiage of how they portray what Windows will be to grasp the implication. They're testing the masses to see if Windows as a service will be accepted or not, which is why they use subliminally psychologically manipulative terms without saying that green grass is green grass. Get it? It's like Microsoft Windows is in this bottomless pit, and it can't escape its ultimate fate. Its ultimate fate isn't to totally disappear off the map, but in time it will become less and less relevant. Microsoft is only speeding up its demise, and HoloLens and whacky VGA-esque square flat tiles aren't going to save it.

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2015-03-11 11:57 »

Haha yeah, renting my operating system. Not in this life! :evil: ...but hey, they can dream! :mrgreen:

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2015-03-20 03:22 »

*howls in pain while projectile vomiting*


2015-04-04 19:10 »

In reference to the idea of making Windows completely open source:

"10 or 15 years ago, that would have been interesting and potentially useful. Today, it's like PalmOS going open source. There might be some interesting corner cases for WINE to further improve compatibility but on the whole it doesn't seem that valuable to me. Desktops are dying while Android, ChromeOS, and iOS are becoming the predominant end user computing devices. Linux has the back-end processing. Windows is the POTS of the computing world; the long tail of historical usage." -macemoneta

We're now up to build 10049. Not much has changed as far as the eye can see. There are obviously under-the-hood changes but exactly how many remains a mystery, as Microsoft refuses to open up the source for Windows. They can say whatever they want, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating. There are a few notable improvements which I will list here, but as a generality, I'm unimpressed with Windows 10 thus far. The new "for complete dumbasses" "control panel" or settings UI or whatever the fuck Microsoft is calling it this month is a real pain to work with, and doesn't offer the features that programmers and I.T. people are looking for. They've dumbed it down just about as much as possible in terms of its UI, conveyance and continuity, and the artwork looks like complete shit. It's actually painful to look at. What the fuck are they thinking; maybe April Fools' Day/365?

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Microsoft needs to get rid of this ugly ass bullshit imposter of a control panel, and go back to having one control panel which already exists in Windows 10. Apparently they are too stupid to realize that desktop users don't want a tablet experience, therefore more of the foisting effort continues. Microsoft refuses to let go of their desperate ideology of cleaving to a one size fits all approach in terms of how they are rolling their Windows product out, and their shit stinks to high heaven with a lack of uniformity and appropriateness that desktop users desire. Most of the reason why Microsoft refuses to budge, at least for now, is that they want to shove their Windows store right down your throat and save your credit cards and personal information on file forever. They will get a list of your PC's hardware, what apps you are renting, and will cross-compile data about times opened and downloaded (in reference to time of day), what was searched, and your voiceprint with Cortana. At anytime MS can remove an application off your PC with Windows 10's built-in backdoor, which carried over from Windows 8.x. But don't worry, it's for your own safety. This is truly scary stuff that people should be paying attention to very closely. You don't give up freedom for convenience or perceived security, and this is exactly what Microsoft is trying to brainwash people into believing.

Microsoft thinks that people like tiles that flash stupid shit in the users face, but nobody likes them. It's a dumb idea that's going nowhere, and is why the Zune failed and is one of the reason why Windows 8.x is hated by everybody I've talked with. Why Microsoft refuses to move beyond their idiotic tile thing is beyond me. They obviously have an insane case of Stockholm syndrome, and have their heads very very far stuck up their asses. This is all a good thing, though, because Microsoft has done nothing but impede the progress of computing technology (embrace, extend, extinguish, etc.), and the sooner people realize this and spend their money elsewhere, the better off humanity will be. The more they keep perpetuating these idiotic maneuvers, the more market share they leave available for up-and-coming software companies. The market is so ridiculously saturated with companies that will do just about anything to capture a piece of the pie, how is Microsoft, this old behemoth steamboat with a completely idiotic board going to compete? Hanging on to their legacy software paradigm and backwards compatibility will get them through the next decade, but look at Microsoft's declining market share in terms of overall computing devices. Do people think that these numbers are magically going to go up? Oh, that's right, the Surface 3 is the one that people want. Yeah right!

The networking tray UI is very fucking idiotic. The artwork looks like barf, is uninspiring, and there's an annoying animation where the networks "slide in", which means there's a slight delay until you can see all of the networks. I want to see everything instantly. Dealing with forgetting networks, typing in a network password, and other basic network setup tasks are frustrating with Windows 10. The UI is so dumbed down that it works against the user, rather than for the user. Windows 7's interface was superior, and why Microsoft needed to change it and make it worse is beyond me.

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The notifications UI is very stupidly designed. It takes up the entire vertical space of about two thirds of your horizontal screen space, when that's absolutely unnecessary -- and it can't be resized. Notice all the white space. Microsoft should have had these things figured out by now, and even though it's a preview build, the reason it's not resizable is because they most likely hadn't thought of this yet.

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Windows 10 requires a password hint when creating a password. If you don't enter a hint, you can't set a password. I never use password hints because I'm scrupulous enough to remember my passwords, and password hints can be a major security problem. I haven't tried creating a password in the administrative tools UI, so I don't know if this same policy is enforced. However, most users are not going to be creating user accounts and passwords in administrative tools because they don't know it exists, and if they did they wouldn't know how to use it.

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Searching for programs or files on my slow laptop is a nightmare. Even though the machine is fairly old and slow, the bloated new Start menu completely bogs the machine down. It's searching Bing and the app store, and then you have all this integrated Cortana crap mixed in. I don't know how much Cortana when inactive bogs it down, but without seeing source code we're all left in the dark. With XP or Windows 7, typing the name of a program and hitting enter instantly opened it up. Not so with Windows 10. Slower machines are great for testing to see how efficiently software was written.

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In one of my previous posts, I wrote about how the "Home" and "Favorites" folders were poorly conjured up, and how pinning and unpinning folders was buggy. Microsoft has changed this for the better, and it's now called "quick access". It's a stupid name, but at least it's more straightforward.

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Spartan is a complete disaster, and needs major work. It's not even really worth writing much about at this point. You gotta give MS some love, however, for the artwork that displays when it starts up. Talk about beautiful.

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The feedback and settings dialog wipe each other out, since MS forbids any type of dialog box with tabs, radio buttons, and checkboxes. It's very infantilizing and looks hidious. To view all the settings, you are forced to scroll very far down to the bottom. This is a pain, as it's obviously designed for a tablet. The on/off radio button also is poorly implemented. When you click it it slides to the right, and "off" dynamically changes to "on". It makes zero sense and threw me off. By sliding it to the right, a reasonable person would think that a switch next to "off" meant "off".

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Last but not least, the Windows store looks completely repugnant.

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While GNU/Linux is just about to get live kernel patching with version 4.0 of the Linux kernel, Windows still struggles with failed updates and requires numerous restarts for even small basic patches. It's rare you have to reboot a Linux machine for an update; usually at the most (if updating KDE, for example) you need to log out and back in. Windows update in Windows 10 doesn't by default give the user the option to disable an automatic restart of their computer. It sets a time and you better be done with whatever you're working on when that time approaches.


2015-04-04 22:28 »

Well MasterOne has provided us with another entertaining and informative post once again.

Windows 10 is like a massive beat up pussy on a whore that you just can't get into.

May the gods bless Microshit as they descend into the shitter.

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2015-04-07 10:14 »

Check out the cool arbitrary placement of the X button. Its position looks completely fucked in the Explorer window. The fucking fools can't even see that big fat juicey misalignment of one button.

Beside that, the entire "design" of the new icons all look so fucked. It's like there is something wrong with the graphics card or that you haven't yet installed the drivers for the graphics card and it has switched to the 256 color mode.

The 1990... the 1980s... called? :sick: :sick: :sick:

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2015-04-07 14:14 »

I agree that the close, maximize and minimize buttons look really bad and the X button is stupidly placed. The icons are most likely deliberately stupid looking to create a "wow" effect for the sheeple when RTM hits.

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2015-04-08 09:27 »

There's actually one thing I like, the stupidly thick window frames are gone !


2015-04-30 19:46 »

I will be updating my Windows 10 thread shortly, but just wanted to write a few quick scribbles about something important changes in Windows 10.

The first thing, is that MS has eliminated the GUI option to turn off automatic downloading and installing of Windows Updates. Earlier builds had this option as the Windows Update icon was still in the Control Panel, but this has since been removed. All updates through the GUI now must be done via the clunky Settings UI that I posted pics of in prior threads. I had had Windows updates set to automatic for the last couple builds just because it's a test laptop and I've been installing builds on it over and over again, so that isn't the setting I would have left it at by default if it were a real workstation. Just as of builds 10061 and 10074, there was an update that broke the Synaptics touchpad on my laptop causing the mouse pointer to completely freeze followed by a blue screen. The actual relevant error data on the blue screen is in tiny text; the "Your PC ran into a problem" is in huge text. Very stupid of Microsoft. The point is that by not doing the registry hack found here: ... c_updates/ Windows 10 downloads the bugged update and installs it, then reboots and bluescreens. And MS doesn't want to give you the ability to prevent this from happening.

Secondly, F8 has been disabled by default so there's no getting into Safe Mode any longer without doing more hacks. Windows 10 is supposed to launch an automatic recovery GUI, but this failed on me and didn't launch. Also, malware or bad sectors on the HD could prevent this automated process from starting.

So, as it stands now, Windows 10 is very poor in the fault-tolerant aspect. MS wants to take your control of your computer away from you as much as possible.

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