Shoot the breeze, anything goes.

2014-06-25 11:59 »

I just want to apologize for my comments earlier about MSFN. I take back what I said. I was just mad, and venting!

I felt stupid like 5 minutes after I wrote that. Like I had stuck my foot in my mouth. MSFN is a nice place. It's just that sometimes "arguing" with people there, about some computer problem, frustrated me. Especially after spending two years there, and continually reading computer problems and whatnot. Tends to burn one out, after a while.

I don't hold any bad feelings toward anybody there. If I did, it only lasted like 5 minutes!!

My bad.

To JodyT, no I didn't mean you. :-)


2014-06-25 12:04 »

I didn't realize that there was a time limit for account activation... I didn't look in my inbox until after it had already expired.

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2014-06-25 15:06 »


Haha, did they scare or threaten to ban you? Or maybe you just got scared? :razz: :lol: :razz: Just joking. :mrgreen:

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2014-06-25 15:06 »

@ LostInSpace2012b,

About the activation, yes, well, yes and no. We don't have a specific limit because it is not automated in here. We post the varification email manually. Sometimes fast and sometimes, after a few days. I think we even did send you reminder emails. This is to ensure we keep things clean. We don't like to have dead member accounts in here, which is why we allow anonymous users to post as well.

Anyway, no harm is done. You are most welcome to re-register if you wish. Although, bear in mind that we still will send you a verification email.

The basic thought is, if we cannot reach our members by email, then they do not "exist" in our world. :idea:


2014-06-25 22:40 »


LostInSpce2012 is a good friend of mine from MSFN, and he's a very knowledgeable contributor there and, on occasion, a wild and crazy guy, in the good sense, of course.

I'm very glad that I got to see him in the psycho-raving-maniac-ranting-lunatic-freak mode on this site. (lol)

If ever there was a Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde personality, it is LostInSpace2012, I've concluded. (lol)

I think he's in great, great need of psychotropic medication and intense psychiatric counseling. (lol)

Here's a list of medications I think he should be taking for his severe mental condition: ... edications

That's right!!!
He needs to take ALL of these meds, from A to Z, 25 times a day, and when he's not taking his meds, he needs to be kept in a straight-jacket.

I will never go trick-or-treating on Halloween with him, because I'd be afraid he'd kill me and steal all my candy.

A message to all members of this forum:
Be very, very afraid of LostInSpace2012.

This post was submitted by larryb123456,
as a service to all mankind.

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2015-08-11 08:46 »

This threads is getting too big so I'm going to close it.

Hahaha... and those fucking idiots keep going to MSFN... :sick:
...nice little fools getting fucked right up in the wazoo. :lol:

Thanks for understanding.

Trololololol... kthxbye

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2016-02-29 16:14 »

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... I can't see that thread! It forces me to login. Can you paste some screenshots of it? OMFG, I MUST SEE IT!!! I'm dying of curiousity!!! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

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2016-02-29 16:36 »

Just started this morning
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2016-03-01 04:26 »

Hi, I am member their at MSFN , Yesterday I left it as those moderators there gone , doing whatever else with members posts.
They have full rights to do partiality with any forum.
RyanVM Forum is the best forum ever.
I donot want to see the face of MSFN Anymore.
Most of the moderators of MSFN are cruel devils
What does they think i donot know?
They are really fools(Only few moderators)
If you start a threat for solving your problems they will suggest such thing to increase your problems. :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil:
If msfn doesnot leave their golden worese evil rules one day will come when it will shutdown

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