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Steven W
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2013-09-01 05:12 »

Oh God! The Why Use Such-and-Such Operating Systems in 20xx posts. Yeah, kill potentially useful ones but allow that fucking horseshit!

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2013-09-02 10:34 »

This picture is most probably, totally off topic though but it kind'a reminds me of the fools @ MSFN. *lol* :mrgreen:

EuoDdst.jpg (83.05 KiB) Viewed 8077 times


2013-09-12 16:19 »

At the time of posting this I cannot reach at all and this was true for the whole time since I woke up 7 hours ago. Am I the only one or is this happening to anyone else?

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2013-09-12 18:56 »

Ah yeah, it looks down. I cannot reach it either. I do not visit it anymore though. :? They have been having a lot of issues for the past several months it seems. Even data loss in their database server. Weird.


2013-09-13 11:47 »

Down all day. Just went back up in the past hour or two. I just posted a backlog of comments.

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2013-09-13 12:11 »

bwhahahhaaa they DO use MySQL!!! *looooooooooool* You would think the least MSFN could do is to at least use Microsoft SQL. Hahaha

MySQL lol.PNG (107.09 KiB) Viewed 7893 times

...and of course, the admins are totally incompetent for running a simple Web site. This poor user even thinks it's his own computer's fault. Several months of weird issues, downtime and data loss, meanwhile they keep asking for donations and take peoples' money. What a ripoff. :lol:

poor msfn user.PNG
poor msfn user.PNG (31.77 KiB) Viewed 7893 times

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2013-11-27 01:26 »

The fools of MSFN, first they ban me, then they spam me. :evil:

Hah! I can rhyme! :P

msfn idiots.PNG
msfn idiots.PNG (27.57 KiB) Viewed 7811 times


2014-03-20 18:28 »

I hope i don't sound bad but. i can relate to this, i've been a member of the MSFN community for about 2 weeks and yeah, their attitude is really harsh, i asked a simple question about a virtual machine, and they were like, "you have to help us to help you" and i was like, didnt you read the question?, because if you read it, you would have found the problem im having, what are they?, 5 year olds that cant read?, lol :/

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2014-03-21 04:38 »


Glad you found this place. We started this place because we all got sick and tired of forums with an almost automatic banhammer upon anyone who disagrees with their "official agenda". Now, you probably haven't been banned at MSFN yet but don't worry, you probably will be. I was a paying member of MSFN and they banned me. Of course, none of my money was refunded to me. :lol:

Feel free to direct your questions to our Tech talk, cold comfort. ( ) section. If it's about Hyper-V, I might be able to help you personally. :relaxed:

If you find us agreeable, please do spread the word about this place because the mainstream makes it very hard for us to grow. ;)

As a side note, what RYANST said there about how it is a complete waste of time signing up for various forums, is very true.

In here, we don't create that problem by forcing people to sign up just so say a word or two. ::thumbup::

ryanst funny.PNG
ryanst funny.PNG (29.13 KiB) Viewed 7674 times

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Fool's design
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2014-03-21 05:44 »


Welcome! :)

Ps. Unlike MSFN, you may call us idiots in here and no one will touch you. :P

ryanst.PNG (15.5 KiB) Viewed 7675 times


He seems to have been banned already. 8-)

Here is a cache of Google's cache of the MSFN thread which the fools of MSFN forums deleted. Hilarious read and hopefully, these long .PNG-images will not kill anyone's browser. :oops:

ryanst MSFN thread Google cache page 1.png
ryanst MSFN thread Google cache page 1.png (1.6 MiB) Viewed 7677 times

ryanst MSFN thread Google cache page 2.png
ryanst MSFN thread Google cache page 2.png (682.71 KiB) Viewed 7677 times

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