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Steven W
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2015-11-15 21:03 »

Wading out in the political waters again. I'm afraid that I'll be going in the politically correct waters too. ... eless.html

Seems some are seeing that Obamacare ain't all it's cracked up to be. I remember I was sitting with a friend in a car when we heard the news that the so-called Affordable Care Act had passed. I told him then and there that all this was going to do was pump a bunch of money into large corporations. If any concessions were gotten from them, they could quickly be done away with through lobbying. It's that easy to understand. It's not rocket science. With that out of the way, let me show you an equation that anyone who argues the Affordable Care Act is good thing simple has to make:

Forcing people to purchase a product that some corporations calls "Health Insurance" = Healthcare

Do you see the mental disconnect? There was no thought put toward the cost that have spiraled out of control for healthcare, which can easily be argued was in large part due to corporate involvement. See, the corporations have already defined what healthcare is, therefore our government has to accept that definition. That definition will undoubtedly need further refinement to meet corporate needs. "Affordable" will meet the same fate. I wonder if Pepperidge Farm® remembers when the USA was a free country? I remember!

Those of you who've actually supported or continue to support Obama, I'd like to know what you think his legacy is going to be. He's literally done nothing but continued the policies of the previous regime, expanded them and forced us to buy a useless product. He's pumped our tax dollars into corporations just like the previous regime, forced us to spend our pre-tax dollars on a useless product (that has to be a wet dream for future dictators), expanded the spying the country does on its own citizens and everyone else, largely continued the same foreign policy that most everyone was sick of under the previous regime. I do have to laugh how Russia's getting involved in Syria has caused some reaction (I guess everyone can't be ignored). And, of course, here in the Land of the Free, you can't criticize a "black" man.

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Maybe one day we can move past the petty shit and be grown-up enough to accept criticism, but that's not going to happen any time soon. And, hey, Obama did get a Nobel Peace Prize!

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I guess we could suck the Norwegian ones too!

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2015-11-16 04:14 »

Steven W wrote:...And, of course, here in the Land of the Free, you can't criticize a "black" man.

You know, I heard that one a lot (I don't live in USA) but is that really true? I sound really ignorant but like, is that a legal thing you can't do because he is president? :eh:

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Steven W
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2015-11-16 23:11 »

Yes and no, largely yes. If you hear the term "playing the race card", that's what I'm talking about. It's not just that either, being critical of someone who happens to be gay or lesbian, even when the criticism isn't related to that fact, will get you labeled homophobe. It's political correctness run amok.

Yeah, I'm old-school and still use the term black. I'm certainly not ignorant enough to lump all blacks in the same category, but there is a HUGE population of blacks who, as far as I can tell, feel they absolutely MUST support the President simply because he is "black". I put "black" in quotes because of this:

His Grandmother is white and he thinks of her as "a typical white person". Don't call that racism! Oh no, no, no! CNN created a term for that it's called "Reverse Racism". Personally, I think racism covered it well enough:


the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

I'm white and for the life of me, I could not imagine feeling the need to apologize, make excuses, or overlook the poor behavior, broken promises or disingenuousness of others based on the fact that I share their skin color. Perhaps based on human experience, but not for something as superficial as skin color.

I could go on and on about the ills of modern America, but for now I'll stop.

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Steven W
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2015-11-16 23:17 »

No, it's not illegal, but say something like that in public or the internet, you'll see it.

I forgot to include this bit about the population that feels compelled to support Obama:

They will criticize actions that President G.W. Bush took and praise Obama for the exact same thing. Seriously. It's a sickness.

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2015-11-16 23:29 »

I'm black and the only president I ever like was Clinton. Trust me when I tell you, that equally shit is out the window. I am still called a nigger by many whites and other ethnicities. Shit is not a joke especially down south in the US. We are going to have a race war eventually. Its fucked up but true.

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2015-11-17 02:16 »

Yeah, I have to admit, racism is alive and well, particularly in the South. I recall visiting in the mid 90s and getting looks when we (3 white dudes and big black chick) were traveling around together.

The point I made about crying racism in the first post was coincidental to the larger point. Trust me, I know that there's black folks who know better. Seriously, If I go out around here, I see massive white land whales shuffling around with shit stains in their dresses/pants/shorts. I guess the larger point is that we're (U.S citizens) have been been dumbed down enough, that the conditions are rife for the abolishing of all our freedoms.

I have a friend who thinks that the media is trying to invoke a race war or incite other panic just so the government can declare martial law. While I'd like not to believe it, I can't help but wonder.

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2015-11-17 02:29 »

Steven W wrote:I have a friend who thinks that the media is trying to invoke a race war or incite other panic just so the government can declare martial law. While I'd like not to believe it, I can't help but wonder.
Its the honest truth. Betta stock up on ammo and guns while you have the chance. Its not going to be pretty.

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2015-11-17 02:42 »

The government would have to disarm the county before they declare Martial Law. US citizens have too many fucking guns. It would be massacres with men, women and children.

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2015-11-17 09:14 »

Steven W wrote:...I see massive white land whales shuffling around with shit stains in their dresses/pants/shorts...

OMFG... eeeuw... :sick:

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Steven W wrote:...I'm old-school and still use the term black...

Nothing wrong with using the term black in my humble opinion. I mean, it's a color to describe someone. Same as people say white or dunno, brown! :mrgreen: People have become too sensitive. I remember back when people used the term "you must" / "you have to", these days, I hear a lot of "you need to", I think it's the same bullshit category as well.

I personally think the white race is somewhat ill. Well, not ill but like, I think the black "race" is a stronger and better race. I mean, look at the blacks in say, Africa. Their skin is so fucking good! haha... the more black the better. There are some who are super black and I mean BLACK, not dark brown. I saw this guy the other day who was like that, amazing skin! To top that off, the guy looked super strong. He could probably break me in half. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't get those racist Christians, however. Do they even read the Bible? Especially the book of Revelation which they seem to love a lot. I mean, even God is black!!!

Revelation 1:14
His head and his hair were white as white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire.
Revelation 1:15
His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.
Revelation 1:16
In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.
Revelation 1:17
When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.

Only one "race" on Earth which has hair like wool, and that is black people. Anyway, the above is about Jesus (which I think is also black) but I think there is another verse in another book about God YHWH, himself. I can't remember it right now for some reason.

PROBLEMCHYLD wrote:The government would have to disarm the county before they declare Martial Law. US citizens have too many fucking guns. It would be massacres with men, women and children.

Oh boy, I don't even dare to dream what a shit show it would be if something like that went down in the USA. Blood bath would be to put it mildly. Although, imagine if the French people who were in that teatre would have guns on them. I would think the terrorists would think twice before entering that building, you don't hear about that angle on any news ...but I digress. :think:

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2015-11-17 09:29 »

Speaking of Obama, here is a Chinese "KFC". Kind'a funny but I think Bush was a lot more hilarious than Obama. :lol:

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Must watch:

02:20 somewhere... :mrgreen:

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