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Steven W
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2014-04-17 05:44 »

HAHAHA! Love that image.

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2014-04-17 13:41 »

That picture is hilarious! :lol:


2014-04-17 16:00 »

As a one time admirer of Russia, (They STILL don't get the credit due them for WWII), their people and history I can only say that the increasing anti-americanism coming from their leadership and media is saddening. Mr.Putin is taking a page from ole Adolph himself with his "all Russians belong to me" rhetoric. Anyone out there read any history? If so , explain to me how this Ukraine business is ANY different from the Sudenten German "crisis" of the late 30's? Mr. Putin has decided that we, the United States, will do nothing to help these people so will gobble them up..... along with a huge chunk of a territory. Very valuable economic land at that. (coincidence?) Everything I've seen/read about this points to major Russian involvement. RT has almost completely lost its credibility in the world due to this. I know I very seldom go there anymore.

Its a shame that Mr.Bush destroyed all American credibility as to armed intervention with his Iraq crusade as I fear this will be the only thing Mr.Putin understands.

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2014-04-17 22:10 »


You keep blaming Mr. Putin but you are missing this little detail:

Over 96 percent of Crimea voters choose to join Russia.

The votes in Crimea's referendum have been counted. A complete, preliminary ballot count showed that 96.77 of voters have elected to join Russia, the chairman of the regional government commission overseeing the referendum said on Monday.

So I don't know man, perhaps, it has not much to do with Mr. Putin. The will of the people, they have spoken and they wanted to join Russia. Fair and square. :relaxed:

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2014-04-19 02:42 »

When was the last time you heard of ANYBODY/ANYTHING ANYWHERE getting 96% approval? Hmmmmmmmm..... maybe Soviet Russia ......... or the Peoples Republic of China, both beacons of freedom huh? You would have a hard time getting 96% approval for ending world hunger for christs sake!

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Steven W
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2014-04-19 19:07 »

Beacons of freedom, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? I used way more of the letter m to show that I'm way more serious! Where exactly are the beacons of freedom on this planet?

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2014-04-21 21:46 »

indianacarnie wrote:When was the last time you heard of ANYBODY/ANYTHING ANYWHERE getting 96% approval? Hmmmmmmmm..... maybe Soviet Russia ......... or the Peoples Republic of China, both beacons of freedom huh? You would have a hard time getting 96% approval for ending world hunger for christs sake!

Frankly, even though you do have a point, I highly doubt that the Crimea election is not legit. I mean, most of them, something like 60-70% (?) are russians! I don't think there has even been a need to rig that election.

It was pretty clear from the get-go that people over there wanted to join Russia.

Although, certainly, I'm talking out of my ass right now. I have no real insight into geopolitical issues of Crimea but still, at least from the looks of things, it seems that they did indeed wanted to join Russia.

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2014-04-21 22:37 »

Exactly, "!". The were voting between going independent or going with Russia. There was no "stay with Ukraine" option. The fact that *that* option wasn't even on the ballot should tell you something. There was no protesting in the streets to get such an option on the ballot and frankly the vote was monitored by outside parties.

I find it difficult to believe that it's coincidence that Victoria Fuck-the-E.U. Nuland's pick is now Prime Minister. I'm not attempting to suggest that Russia doesn't have interests in the area or that they are an entirely benevolent entity, but I firmly believe as the article I linked to in my first post suggested:

Here is my early call: We witness an American intervention in the process of failing...

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2014-05-09 17:52 »

I don't get the politics but man, those have some huge balls standing in front of a tank!

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Steven W
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2014-05-10 00:01 »

Reminds me of another brave soul:

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