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Steven W
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Joined: 2013-08-10 22:40

2016-05-10 03:59 » ... m-jim-crow

Our tax dollars at "work": ... m-jim-crow

Speaking of waste:

attorney_general_toiletta_lynch.jpg (301.2 KiB) Viewed 7100 times

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2016-05-10 12:21 »

Really? Men not allowed to use women's bathroom is a form of slavery? Speechless! If they really want to be "correct", then they should create a new form of bathrooms, allowing "all kinds of genders". Now that would be doing it right. :smile:

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2016-05-10 15:31 »

I hate this fucking country (US)
I have a little daughter and don't want her expose to dicks at 5 yrs old. Call me what you want, comparing skin color to ones sexual preference is not equivalent. How many gays got hung from trees, whole family slaughtered? How many gays have been burned and tortured? How many have been enslaved? Since I have the freedom of speech, I'll say you faggots can burn in hell. Fucking Punks. As a black man, I'm still fighting for my rights and life, and these cocksuckers are worried about using the woman's bathroom. Get the fuck outta here.

:thumbdown: :thumbdown:

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2016-05-10 15:41 »

Where was you gays when my family was out getting murder doing the civil rights. You faggots didn't fight for what some of my relatives died for, but you fucks want to piggyback off the bloodshed of my love ones. This is the main reason I don't like you punks.

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Steven W
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Joined: 2013-08-10 22:40

2016-05-17 02:10 »

One huge reason that the United States is now such a shithole is the whole Social Justice scene.

You know, disagreeing with the statement that sloughing off you cock and pumping yourself full of estrogen makes you a hero. Or not pretending that doing those things makes you woman.

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Maybe instead of a hero you could become an hero?

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2016-05-31 22:49 »

Damn. That is one fucked up looking Bitch. Or whatever the hell it is!

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