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2016-11-14 01:01 »

The best way to prevent machines taking our jobs, is to hack them. When driverless cars start drifting off the road, no one will want to buy them. So become a notorious hacker or pay one.

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2016-12-06 02:02 »

I want the machines to take over our jobs so we can once and for all free humanity from slavery and start a new age of our civilization in space and beyond! :thumbup: :clap: ... irrelevant ... rrelevant/

Although artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and other emerging technologies may reshape the world as we know it, a new global study has revealed that the many CEOs now value technology over people when it comes to the future of their businesses. The study was conducted by the Los Angeles-based management consultant firm Korn Ferry that interviewed 800 business leaders across a variety of multi-million and multi-billion dollar global organizations. The firm says that 44 percent of the CEOs surveyed agreed that robotics, automation and AI would reshape the future of many work places by making people "largely irrelevant." The global managing director of solutions at Korn Ferry Jean-Marc Laouchez explains why many CEOs have adopted this controversial mindset, saying: "Leaders may be facing what experts call a tangibility bias. Facing uncertainty, they are putting priority in their thinking, planning and execution on the tangible -- what they can see, touch and measure, such as technology instruments."

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2016-12-09 04:05 »

If I had the power, I would get rid of most electronics "they are a distraction to mankind" :cry:

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2017-04-14 01:58 »

Then we need to do something to lower the overall birth rate, and to accomplish this in a way that does not do violence to the spirit of humanity.

We cannot go on breeding willy nilly while machines take paid labour away from humans.

And ask yourself: By whom are these machines owned?

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2017-05-09 10:24 » ... come-pilot

The Ontario Government will pilot universal basic income in a $50M program supporting 4,000 households over a 3 year period. ...even Elon Musk has predicted it's necessity, experts continue to debate and gather data on the approach in the face of increasing automation. Ontario's plan will study three communities over three years, with participants receiving up to $17,000 annually if single, and $24,000 for families.

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