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2016-10-17 11:43 »

The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it. ... less-camps

Billionaire Tech Investors Support Divisive Plan To Ban San Francisco's Homeless Camps

The images are startling: Homeless men, women and children huddled on the streets of the San Francisco Bay Area -- often in the shadows of start-ups and high-tech behemoths generating billions of dollars in wealth. It's a stark contrast that has gripped the region, and prompted four county measures on the Nov. 8 ballot to generate $3 billion over the next 25 years for affordable housing and services. Under the most-ambitious measure, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee has proposed a 0.75% increase in the sales tax, to 9.5%, to raise $50 million a year. Propositions J and K would generate $1.2 billion for the next quarter-century via a simple majority. "There is clearly not enough affordable housing, or housing at any level," says Kevin Zwick, CEO of Housing Trust Silicon Valley.

The debate over what to do about San Francisco's homeless population has been building for awhile among the many startups and residents here. But now tech billionaires Ron Conway, Michael Moritz and well-to-do hedge fund manager William Oberndorf have each thrown about $50,000 behind a measure to rid San Francisco of its homeless tent cities. Other notable investors, including Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer's husband and venture capitalist Zach Bogue, have also donated. Bogue reportedly gave about $2,500 to support it.

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2016-10-18 00:26 »

I just want a spaceship to get the fuck off this earth. I would rather deal with creatures from the unknown than to deal with these assholes in the US.

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2016-10-18 12:13 »

I feel exactly the same way brother, save a seat on it for me too. We all are hurting much. :silent:

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2016-11-17 00:06 »

Hell, I have a couple of Finnish friends who want to jump on a battlestar and get the fuck off Earf. I'm with them!

We'll just grab everyone at NASA/JPL and Roskosmos and a pile of ESA people if they wanna and jam outta here.


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2016-11-27 06:19 »

Not the dream I was expecting, but just got a job at the Railroad in Washington D.C.
I've been away from my kids and wife for a while. The money is great, but is it worth it? IDK
What would you do? I have to reside in D.C and travel many other places. My kids are 5 and 1 years old.
I'm home now, only because of the holiday. Money can't replace or buy time, especially the growing up of your children.
I don't want my son to forget me, while he only see me occasionally.

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2016-11-28 16:13 »

From my own experience, maybe around 14 to 16 is most important. I don't even remember my youngest years! :mrgreen:

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2016-12-09 04:10 »

Im gonna just save and sacrifice while I'm working. It sucks but hopefully it pays off. :thumbup:

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2017-04-14 01:47 »

I know I'm late with this, but...I couldn't resist.

(kitty hugs)

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