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Steven W
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2021-05-09 02:23 »

That awesome hurricane footage!
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Steven W
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2021-05-09 05:29 » ... story.html

It dawns on me that there's a level of sleaze going on here that's deeper than I realized.
In three separate letters dated May 3 and addressed to Post reporters Ellen Nakashima and Greg Miller, and former Post reporter Adam Entous, the Justice Department wrote they were “hereby notified that pursuant to legal process the United States Department of Justice received toll records associated with the following telephone numbers for the period from April 15, 2017 to July 31, 2017.” The letters listed work, home or cellphone numbers covering that three-and-a-half-month period.
...for the period from April 15, 2017 to July 31, 2017

Would you really call that Trump's justice department? Given the leaks that fed the now debunked, crazy Russia-collusion stories were still occurring? Let's get a bit more specific: ... ial-russia
Updated 3/29/21 “FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor former Trump adviser Carter Page,” Washington Post, April 11, 2017. Citing “law enforcement and other U.S. officials,” Post reporters Ellen Nakashima, Devlin Barrett and Adam Entous reported that the FBI “obtained the warrant targeting [former Trump aide] Carter Page’s communications” after “convincing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge” that there was “probable cause to believe Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power, in this case Russia, according to the officials.”

This report was true. A FISA court had given the FBI such a warrant. However, as Horowitz would later reveal, the court was misled by the FBI, with “at least 17 significant errors or omissions in the Carter Page FISA applications,” and as such, there was not, actually, probable cause in the Page case. Moreover, the timeline suggests the Post’s sources had to have known of the problems with the warrant before this story was posted.

The FISA court later concluded it lacked probable cause against Page in at least two of the four warrants it considered. “The court understands the government to have concluded, in view of the material misstatements and omissions, that the court's (surveillance) authorizations...were not valid,” a court order read.
Do the names Ellen Nakashima, Devlin Barrett and Adam Entous sound familiar?
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Carter Page was a “catalyst” for the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe. New York Times, April 19, 2017. It was reported that former Trump adviser Carter Page was a “catalyst” for the FBI investigation into connections between Donald Trump and Russia, according to “current and former law enforcement and counterintelligence officials.” Similarly, the New York Times cited court documents in describing George Papadopoulos: “Trump Campaign Adviser Met With Russian to Discuss ‘Dirt’ on Clinton.”

But Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified that as early as August of 2016, Page became the focus of secret surveillance because Papadopoulos had been deemed a dead end. This scarcely reported detail only rendered the entire predicate for the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation absurd:
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Do you suppose that it's possible that either some folks at the DOJ were doing damage control (for false FISA warrants and leaking among other things) or that someone in say, a previous administration, was trying to hide how crooked all of this was through a crony?

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Steven W
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2021-05-09 06:11 » ... story.html
Cameron Barr, The Post’s acting executive editor, said: “We are deeply troubled by this use of government power to seek access to the communications of journalists. The Department of Justice should immediately make clear its reasons for this intrusion into the activities of reporters doing their jobs, an activity protected under the First Amendment.
It's amazing what's missing here. I guess nobody at the Washington Post is "deeply troubled" by the fact that they were fed and parroted a bunch of horseshit from someone in the DOJ to the gullible American public. And, even after DJT is out of office, instead of questioning their own integrity, they use this as an opportunity to continue the 'orange man bad' narrative, with their canoeing whore buddy at CNN (formerly NBC) piling on.

I'm not even shocked anymore.
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Steven W
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2021-05-10 23:51 »

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Steven W
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2021-06-16 01:07 » ... t-scandal/ ... 00690.html
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CNN has decided to host staff meetings on Chaturbate, the poor acting on the network will now have a new sponsor:
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Steven W
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2021-06-16 01:13 »

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Steven W
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2021-06-16 01:27 »

Female staffers have been warned about hair gel.
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