Shoot the breeze, anything goes.
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2018-01-09 16:17 »

Finally, running the latest php 7.2.1 and phpbb 3.2.2. :clap: :thumbup:

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2018-01-10 15:37 »

A nasty bug in phpbb 3.2.2:
Previewing new post empties attachment list of all but first attachment.
I will remove the "Preview" button for now until this bug is fixed.

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2018-01-13 15:51 » wrote:
2018-01-10 15:37
A nasty bug in phpbb 3.2.2:
Previewing new post empties attachment list of all but first attachment.
I will remove the "Preview" button for now until this bug is fixed.
This is fixed, manually updated the code for now.

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2018-05-14 00:51 »

Sorry for the downtime, I was changing IP, it took a while to update things. :oops:

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2019-06-01 22:46 »

Sorry for the downtime, the copying of files between two servers took many hours. Anyway, everything should be running normally now. We are now running Windows Server 2019. :mrgreen: :thumbup: :smile:

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2019-07-23 00:09 »

Sorry for the downtimes, I accidentally ran an application as administrator and had to roll the server back from an earlier snapshot. Totally my bad! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :silent:

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2019-10-07 04:51 »

You are running an unsupported PHP version. Please upgrade to PHP equal to or greater than 5.4.7 but less than 7.3-dev in order to install or update to phpBB 3.2
MOTHERFUCKER!!! Always some shit with this phpBB, every damn update there is an issue. :sick: What the fuck is wrong with them. Also, if I delete the cache folder, the forums stop working completely. Maybe time to look for another forum software but I am so used to phpBB. :cry:

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2019-10-07 05:22 »

! wrote:
2019-10-07 04:51
You are running an unsupported PHP version. Please upgrade to PHP equal to or greater than 5.4.7 but less than 7.3-dev in order to install or update to phpBB 3.2
MOTHERFUCKER!!! Always some shit with this phpBB, every damn update there is an issue. :sick: What the fuck is wrong with them. Also, if I delete the cache folder, the forums stop working completely. Maybe time to look for another forum software but I am so used to phpBB. :cry: ...two years!!! They still haven't fixed it!!! :sick:

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2019-10-21 16:58 »

If you go to, the site doesn't work.
If you go to index.php, then everything works as it should.


Who the hell knows!

I'm trying to find out why and solve this, might take some time. :sick:

Edit: I don't understand it at all! Two boards, 100% identical files, copies of the exact same files. One works, one doesn't! *lol*! :sick: No errors, no nothing.

Edit 2: Scratch that, the other one stopped working too now! :lolno: What the hell? :sick: :problem: :think:

Edit 3: Solution, kind'a: It seems that the IIS default document handling has crapped out on me for some reason, so I used some rewrite rule (URL Rewrite) to just redirect to "index.php" default document file:

Code: Select all

		<rule name="Default document bugfix" stopProcessing="true">
			<match url="^(.+/)?$" />
			<action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}/index.php" />
:sick: :think:

Edit 4:
! wrote:
2019-10-07 05:22
! wrote:
2019-10-07 04:51
You are running an unsupported PHP version. Please upgrade to PHP equal to or greater than 5.4.7 but less than 7.3-dev in order to install or update to phpBB 3.2
MOTHERFUCKER!!! Always some shit with this phpBB, every damn update there is an issue. :sick: What the fuck is wrong with them. Also, if I delete the cache folder, the forums stop working completely. Maybe time to look for another forum software but I am so used to phpBB. :cry: ...two years!!! They still haven't fixed it!!! :sick:
Also fixed that so we are running latest phpBB. I moved everything into the a folder in the root of the drive, then downgraded to PHP 7.2.x, because the stupid update didn't let me run 7.3.x, updated everything, then upgraded back to PHP 7.3.x and everything works just fine now.

What a bunch of incompetent complete morons who make phpBB. No wonder everyone went to places such as "Reddit" and gave up on forums. Disgusting, almost 20 years and still a simple forum update eats so much time and energy. They made everything so complicated and dependent on 1000s third party junk, it has become a monster. :sick: :silent:

Oh, and don't you dare go to their forums to talk about problems. Oh no sir, you must register and most likely get banned for even complaining about a big issue which should have been fixed years ago! :sick:

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