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2023-01-27 23:41 »

Imagine when they let loose this ChatGPT thing as a separate installation, I think that would be the end of Internet as we know it, I mean the Internet already ended but with that thing loose, who can tell who is bot and who is a human? There needs to be some kind of new ID check or something.

I'm so sick of bots, they are EVERYWHERE! and getting much better, these fuckers talk back now! lol :shifty: :sick: :shifty: :sick: :sick: :sick:

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Steven W
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2023-01-28 10:41 »

After going through the past few years and listening to people virtue signal on behalf of corporations, you know getting injected with 'science juice' and believing that a thin piece of fabric can stop a virus and informing those who didn't wear one how ebil they are/were, passing off the thin piece of fabric stopping a virus and chromosomes not existing as 'science'. I can safely say that social media and people are largely shit too. Particularly Americunts.

My darkness groweth... :lol:

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Steven W
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2023-01-28 11:37 »

I guess what I'm getting at is the internet was killed for shithole 'social media' sites that we all know now censored on behalf of governments and/or corporations. I realize there are bots denying this and probably retards that deny the evidence labeling it a 'nothingburger'. I had to laugh at 'conservatives', a year or so ago, saying that Twatter was a shithole and then asking their audience to 'like' them on Twatter. Gotta give Elon some props, exposing the shit was probably a bit of a dangerous game for him as it could harm the brand.

I certainly don't want the whole internet to become a government-login-required shitfest.

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2023-01-28 21:07 »

I think there needs to be some kind of technical solution where you can with 100% certainty distinguish between a bot vs a human. I think it would do a lot of good. Every statistics on the Internet is now distorted, for websites, advertisers, all of it. I don't know what such solution can be though. Very difficult and tricky but I don't have high hopes on any kind of good solution to this though, which is sad. Internet is a great tool but these bots really do a lot of damage to it imho. I've thought a lot about this but can't even imagine what kind of technical solution could do this. :neutral:

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Steven W
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2023-01-29 06:56 »

! wrote:
2023-01-28 21:07
I've thought a lot about this but can't even imagine what kind of technical solution could do this. :neutral:
Heh, or a solution that an AI can't be 'trained' to overcome.

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