Shoot the breeze, anything goes.

2013-10-11 12:13 »

There is a law in this Universe, called the Universal Balance. It can be found in every aspect of life.
Therefore, intelligent people never have enough money and belongings and love. On the other hand, stupid people get best jobs, best salary and obviously most gorgeous women.

Am I intelligent or what...? :roll:

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2013-10-24 14:47 »

Hahahahhaha... it seems that Microsoft has already forgotten that little $900 million write down. Indeed, they are fools in the corporate ladder. :lol:

Microsoft exec blasts Apple iPad and free productivity applications.

...about the Apple price cuts - does Microsoft feel threatened? No way, says Shaw.
"When I see Apple drop the price of their struggling, lightweight productivity apps, I don't see a shot across our bow, I see an attempt to play catch up," he wrote.

Just look at that idiot, he can barely hold that thing. You can see he most likely never even used on of those Surface-things...

MW-BN534_nokia__ME_20131022073832.jpg (23.51 KiB) Viewed 7357 times

Here are some fun comments:

MSFT is in a deep bunker of groupthink. Us against the World and all that. But they better wake up fast. The Surface is clunky, poorly sold in stores, and just plain lacking the right apps, the right look and no cool factor at all. It feels like a laptop and not a tablet. The MSFT stores are the worst run stores I have ever been in. I am not a fan of Apple stores either but thats because they are so crowded you get no service. I was in the Stanford Mall in Palo Alto a few months ago where the MSFT and APPL stores are almost next to each other. MSFT stores employees ignored ALL of us customers except for one guy who was trying to help ALL of us while the other 5 or 6 just were playing a videogame on a laptop. Nobody else cared nor bothered to approach customers. I pointed this out to the acting store manager who just shrugged. Next I went to the APPL store, too crowded, reeked of human sweat, no help. But it was because they were overrflowing out the door. MSFT is a joke.

The market that is the users who make it or break it, So Apple has been right till now with their Customers and Android is also Good with its customers now we shall C if Microsoft with Nokia will eat out of whose cake.

Seems to be ignoring the $900 million write down on those "better" Surface tablets. I think the market is answering the question about which tablet is better.

MSFT surely would react to AAPL Game Changer moves, waves of rolling thunders from Hardware of iPhone, iPad, Mac etc , Software OS / APPS supported by the iCloud that cater for both consumers, SME and enterprises.

The pace of Innovation since the BlueScreen days of MSFT has been slow and less cohesive, it went round from game box to keyboard and now Nokia have all gone nowhere. AAPL created its Eco systems that has focus - Great Customer Experience! Now it IS Free! Love it.

Thanks to Microsoft for giving Apple more free publicity! Had there been anyone out there not aware of the free operating and free productivity software Apple is offering, Frank made sure they knew with his off the wall envious comments. Meanwhile Apple just keeps doing its best to make sure its customers are happy, and encourages others to join its base of rapidly growing loyal users. Just downloaded Mavericks yesterday. In a word, Wow! It is blazingly fast and offers so many new exciting features that I was up most of the night giving it a trial run. As a former PC owner, I quite often was up nights trying to figure out how to make my software work. Thanks, Apple for making computing a really fun experience! Oh, and Frank, you should really try it, I think you would like it.

$MSFT exec speaks, shares fall. A lot of small businesses are going to jump for Apple's 'good enough' free productivity offering (plus superior free OS, in my opinion). $MSFT will hang on to its installed base in big enterprises for somewhat longer but the threat is real - hence the desperate sounding critique from Mr Shaw.

It kills me hearing anyone from Microsoft talking about quality .... Microsoft has been the poster boy for defective buggy, poorly designed, dead after launch products for years!

Well what Apple lacks in open source app availability and third party hardware compatibility Microsoft makes up for in draconian licenses, shoddy rollout, and buggy products. Lucky for them that they both have slave labor sources to produce their goods abroad and a mysteriously lax oversight of their monopoly market shares.

I wonder if the blacksmiths were scared when the automobile became popular? They probably called it a toy or novelty.

I wonder how big the Surface 2 write-offs will be. Hope Ballmer and Shaw here didn't build too many.

YAWN....Please tell me the REAL WORK you do on your WINDOZ tablet ???? Yeah, I thought so......

oh please, give it a break

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2013-11-13 08:47 »

Did you know that:

  • Elop was a director of consulting for Lotus Development Corporation before becoming CIO for Boston Chicken in 1992, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 1998.
  • In the same year, he joined Macromedia's Web/IT department and worked at the company for seven years, where he held several senior positions, including CEO from January 2005 for three months before their acquisition by Adobe Systems was announced in April 2005.
  • Nokia's stock value dropped by 85% since Elop's takeover. On September 3, 2013, it was announced that Microsoft had agreed to buy Nokia's mobile phone and devices business for 5.4 billion euros ($7.2bn; £4.6bn) and that Elop would stand down as Nokia's CEO to become Vice President of Microsoft's Devices & Services business unit.
  • they are talking of him as a candidate for CEO of Microsoft.
The guy moved from IBM-something to Boston Chicken (wtf!?) ruines it. Moves to Macromedia, ruines it and sells it to Adobe. Moves to Nokia, ruines it and sells it to Microsoft. he might move to Microsoft and... dunno wild guess here, will sell it to Oracle/Google? ::wtf::

Am I crazy or is there a pattern here? :shock: :? 8-)

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2013-11-16 08:41 »

Oh really? You don't say!

Outgoing Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer tells WSJ that he was part of the problem.

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2013-11-17 10:03 »

Non Hic wrote:Did you know that:

  • Elop was a director of consulting for Lotus Development Corporation before becoming CIO for Boston Chicken in 1992, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 1998.
  • In the same year, he joined Macromedia's Web/IT department and worked at the company for seven years, where he held several senior positions, including CEO from January 2005 for three months before their acquisition by Adobe Systems was announced in April 2005.
  • Nokia's stock value dropped by 85% since Elop's takeover. On September 3, 2013, it was announced that Microsoft had agreed to buy Nokia's mobile phone and devices business for 5.4 billion euros ($7.2bn; £4.6bn) and that Elop would stand down as Nokia's CEO to become Vice President of Microsoft's Devices & Services business unit.
  • they are talking of him as a candidate for CEO of Microsoft.
The guy moved from IBM-something to Boston Chicken (wtf!?) ruines it. Moves to Macromedia, ruines it and sells it to Adobe. Moves to Nokia, ruines it and sells it to Microsoft. he might move to Microsoft and... dunno wild guess here, will sell it to Oracle/Google? ::wtf::

Am I crazy or is there a pattern here? :shock: :? 8-)

I love how he spent so little time at Microsoft in the first place, and only as a suit, and still all the fanboys are rooting for him to become CEO!

Well they were until he opened his mouth and said he might sell off Xbox and BING. :lol:

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2013-11-26 17:31 »

Chair + Bill Gates. :?


2013-11-30 01:02 »

Well, I'm a little bit drunk so let me chime in before I get sobre: it's not Bill Gates' fault for what's happening now. He had an idea, he might've screwed somebody over but from a certain point on all this has been taken over by professionals determined to tap into everything and everyone's privacy. Bill Gates stepped down (or was "adviced" to) and here we are dealing with criminals calling us all criminals.

I've been part of an open-source project that aimed to offer as many user options as possible, so that anyone and everyone could tweak that thing to their heart's content. That means people's power. "You give me the ability to shape YOUR object as I want because I'm the one using it". That was the whole idea. Microsoft missed this by and large. They kept cloaking even that boot screen as if it was a fuckin' treasure - them stupid morons! People always found a way to replace the fluffy clouds or black-hearted boot screen with something more appropriate to their souls. And still Microsoft didn't get it! They kept hiding options from the actual user - the idiot who actually paid for the hardware that ultimately had to support the ugliness called Windows (also paid for its usage) - while allowing hackers and the NSA to use all those intentional exploits to their benefit.

I'm a Windows98SE user, basically. One of the best OS versions accidentally released by Microsoft, which they've been trying hard to kill in the past years. Although many operations are now not available to 9x users, we're trying to stay alive. We're not criminals. We're not terrorist. If anybody, the US government is the world terrorist, but that's beyond this topic. Me and whoever still uses Win9x are just trying to get the most out of our current hardware, according to our possibilities. We shouldn't be treated as criminals. We are simple human beings that have our own limits and our own goals, which do not involve illegal actions as someone might imply. We want new hardware drivers for our old OS. We want the right to live among others. Nothing more!

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2013-12-17 14:07 »

Verizon chief claims unlimited data plans defy physics.

McAdam_Thumbnail.jpg (6.04 KiB) Viewed 7306 times

With unlimited, it's the physics that breaks it," McAdam said, according to CNET. "If you allow unlimited usage, you just run out of gas.


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2013-12-17 15:32 »

ISPs in my country offers unlimited data on mobile internet for as low as 5? per month... no signs of gas running out yet LOL


2013-12-24 13:29 »

Yeah, mine too. About same price for a GPRS/EDGE modem. The trick is, after 5GB of download they limit the bandwidth to 14kB/s. So sure, you can download as much as you want. But compute a maximum of 14kB/s multiplied by the rest of the days until the end of the subscription month* and take into account possible/usual usage/rest time and that 'unlimited' becomes a very small amount in reality.

The word 'unlimited' is just a marketing strategy, nothing more.

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