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2013-04-05 16:20 »

Don't want a gaming console that requires a persistent internet connection? 'Deal with it,' says Microsoft Studio's creative director. In what he later termed a 'fun lunch break,' Orth took to Twitter to express his shock at people who take umbrage with the idea of an always-on console. When quizzed by other Twitter users about people with no internet connection, he suggested that they should get one, as it is 'awesome.' He then likened people who worry about intermittent internet connectivity being an issue as the same as someone not buying a vacuum cleaner because the electricity sometimes goes out. While Orth later apologized, saying it had being a bit of banter with friends, it did raise awareness that there are more than a few people who are very unhappy with the possibility of an always-on future version of the Xbox. Orth has also now switched his Twitter account settings to private.

Just another mouthpiece, doing the corporate agenda. Soon to be seen: Lords and kings of IT... and yes, YOU will be playing the peasant.

He is talking Orwellian language of course, specially the vacuum cleaner example he uses... let me translate what he sais to peasant language: If we were to fulfill that analogy you would have to expect there are vacuum cleaners that already exist that run without electricity -- as almost all the games I own run without an internet connection. Now, a new vacuum cleaner comes out but it is required to always be plugged into the wall and it will only work if it is connected to a service that costs me a monthly payment.

Excellently put:

by JDG1980 (2438906) on Friday April 05, @09:43AM wrote:This is why Microsoft is losing market share and why so many analysts are worried about the company's long-term future. "Deal with it" seems to be Microsoft's mantra not just in the console market, but with Windows as well. They let their employees' pride and stubbornness override basic business considerations. Metro must be shoved down everyone's throat, even if not a single desktop user wants it. Because if they backed down, then the people who worked on Metro would feel bad, and we can't have that, can we? The thing is, Microsoft can no longer get away with this kind of behavior. They're being pressured in the consumer space by tablets and smartphones and in the business space by evangelists of "the cloud". Just as Windows started out as a toy and then grew to dominate the market, we may see the same thing happen with Android ÔÇô especially since, as an open-source product, anyone (not just Google) can take it in the direction they see fit.

Orth, Ballmer, and those who think like them are soon going to figure out that "deal with it" isn't an acceptable answer when you're trying to get people to buy your stuff.

...but wait! Fast as hell, they start to put damage control Orwellian articles, like this one just came out:
Xbox 360 gamers are the best at sex, apparently, allow me to puke. What a full load of bullshit propaganda. Call me cynical but it's almost like they had this in their "damage control" bag, waiting to be used.

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Orthy, what a complete utter fool:

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2013-04-10 16:20 »

Saga #12 Banned by Apple.

It's not the first time this has happened and it probably won't be the last, but following up Apple's ban of Image Comics' Sex #1 on Comixology's iOS app, Apple is now prohibiting sale of Saga #12. Why? According to writer Brian K. Vaughan, for two "postage stamp-sized" depictions of g ay sex.

Whether you are pro, anti or neutral on porn... it should still be alarming that a corporation can disallow any content they wish from their your device... oh, that's right. Did you think you owned all these "smart" devices? You just rent them from your overlords. You will do as you are told peasant!

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2013-04-11 20:41 »

According to the FCC, 6% of USA still uses dialup.

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2013-04-12 16:01 »

Apple's recent App Store crackdowns a sign of things to come.

The company [Apple] is reportedly moving to get rid of apps that promote other apps or use push notifications for marketing...

...and the peasants keep renting buying these locked-down spy smart devices.

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2013-04-18 12:41 »

Google chief urges action to regulate mini-drones.

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The influential head of Google, Eric Schmidt, has called for civilian drone technology to be regulated, warning about privacy and security concerns.

I would have laughed if this was not so creepy and filthy. Google, the spy corporation is worried for our privacy... sure sure.

"You're having a dispute with your neighbour," he told The Guardian in an interview printed on Saturday.

"How would you feel if your neighbour went over and bought a commercial observation drone that they can launch from their backyard. It just flies over your house all day. How would you feel about it?"

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REALLY? Apparently, he thinks EVERYONE are dumb, fat and stupid. Who does he think he is talking to, kids? That "example" he brings up is so moronic, absurd and incongruous it makes my head spin. Clearly he is a front figure dummy. One has to wonder who is really behind him?

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2013-04-20 03:58 »

Non Hic wrote:REALLY? Apparently, he thinks EVERYONE are dumb, fat and stupid. Who does he think he is talking to, kids? That "example" he brings up is so moronic, absurd and incongruous it makes my head spin. Clearly he is a front figure dummy. One has to wonder who is really behind him?

Google got it's start up funding from the CIA to take over the interwebs and has been a main part of the online surveillance ever since. The watchers are really afraid of being watched, thus they don't want the ability in the hands of the public at large. They like to have an intelligence and military force imbalance so they can more effectively cull.

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2013-04-25 06:29 »

Talk about brainwashing. Short "article" of only about twelve sentences contains the word "App" 10 times! LOL ...and not to mention the Orwellian "Modern" word attached to it. Yes, that's right folks, giving up the ownership of your device and allowing big international corporations to control what you may or may not run (or must, because sometimes they force several on you without allowing you to uninstall it) on the device is very modern!
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2013-04-25 23:38 »

Samsung has informed its mobile phone users in Iran that it will no longer be providing access to the company's app store as of May 22, 2013. The move comes as a result of the ever-increasing sanctions that Western countries are imposing as a punishment for Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program; Tehran has continuously denied the existence of such a program.

Politics aside, yada yada yada... I don't care about that stuff... but the name of the game is control. Would Samsung be able to deny people access to applications if there were no "Store"? You bet that they could not be able to do it. Now they can shut off your access, delete your programs and do whatever the hell they want to do on these "smart" Orwellian devices which you BORROW and RENT from them. You do NOT own these devices.

Again, politics aside, this is all very creepy how people just give up the ownership rights of their device to big multinational corporations. Absolutely fucking amazing.

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2013-04-30 06:59 »

We should of course, add Microsoft to this list too:

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2013-04-30 07:07 »

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