Fuck Microsoft and fuck Office 2016. Beside that fucking "Sign in" thing, I can't get rid of the "Share" button and on top of that, it has to run a service in the background "Microsoft Office Click-to-Run Service" which I can't disable, otherwise the Office applications lock randomly for maybe 10 to 30 seconds from time to time. Not to mention the motherfucker creates A TON OF TELEMETRY BULLSHIT ALL OVER THE PLACE! I'm sick of the cat and mouse game, I don't have time for that shit.

I will be moving my business stuff slowly to LibreOffice instead. YES, it will take me some time but I WILL MAKE TIME FOR IT. Not that I like doing this, I actually HATE the "libreoffice" name, too political and sounds too ugly in my head.... but hey, Microsoft forced me to use LibreOffice. ...and YES, I have a full Office 2016 license with Outlook and everything... but yeah... FUCK MICROSOFT... AND FUCK OFFICE.

Great thing about LibreOffice is that I can just copy its entire folder and add the two missing .DLL files "msvcr120.dll" and "msvcp120.dll" WITHOUT running its installer and so far, it seems to be working without problems for me. It means that I can actually freeze a version I like and use it... FOREVER... in my business, making all kinds of accounting stuff without worrying that a forced update would be breaking all my important business files.

I have said this many times... Microsoft is already dead, they just don't know it yet.