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2016-02-05 20:36 »

I don't think I can make use of that anytime soon, plus work eats all my time anyway lol.

old member

2016-05-15 19:10 »

Hello Non Hic! I'm "old member", I didn't left this place and I come here to read, intermittently. Actually I really like this place.
If you want members you need a content, dynamic content, interesting projects and not just empty talk.
Only creative people may bring the content.
If you want to have them here you should clean up the dirt.
You can not put stinky turd on the table and then expect someone to sit at the table.
Yes, you didn't put it here, but it's up to you to clean it.
Because nobody likes shits.
Stinky shit only attracts flies, worms and disease.

Good Luck and Best wishes!

Old member. :wink:

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2016-05-15 22:42 »

Before I continue addressing your post, I did not delete it. I moved it into Opinions and suggestions ( ), a more fitting place for it., to answer your post:

old member wrote:Hello Non Hic! I'm "old member", I didn't left this place and I come here to read, intermittently. Actually I really like this place.

Glad you like this place.

old member wrote:...But
If you want members you need a content, dynamic content, interesting projects and not just empty talk.

We had dynamic news content a while, I hired someone to do it. I have lost my job to oursourcing in India so I'm in a difficult financial position right now, as in, I'm dirt poor. If you have suggestions where we can get free dynamic content, please do tell.

old member wrote:...But
Only creative people may bring the content.

Yepp, well, creative people with time. :mrgreen:

old member wrote:But
If you want to have them here you should clean up the dirt.
You can not put stinky turd on the table and then expect someone to sit at the table.
Yes, you didn't put it here, but it's up to you to clean it.
Because nobody likes shits.
Stinky shit only attracts flies, worms and disease.

You post as anonymous (I won't ask for your nickname), why won't you just talk clearly so I (we) can understand what you mean? Why talk in riddles? I have never once deleted a post here and since you visit this place and like it, I reckon, you should know we allow people to actually talk and criticize us... which is one of the main reasons I actually put this place up.

I was sick of forums where you couldn't talk freely and as soon as you said something that the administrators didn't liked, you would be banned or your posts got deleted.

I don't know if you will come back to read my reply to you, I hope you do and if you do, please speak clearly, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, are you talking about certain members here? Certain posts? short, what the fuck do you mean? Don't be scared, speak up! Be rude if you need to. No one will remove your post here.

old member wrote:Good Luck and Best wishes!

Old member. :wink:

Thanks I guess? The question mark is there because well, I don't really understand your suggestion, speak freely and clearly, not in riddles. :problem: We are not like other place, it is OK to disagree with us in here. We are the bigger men, we can take it! :razz:

old member

2016-05-16 11:09 »

Non Hic wrote:We had dynamic news content a while...

These "news" was just dragged from For real news you have to pay reporters. So, I'm not talking about this
I talking about content that members can create.
Non Hic wrote:Yepp, well, creative people with time. :mrgreen:

So how they find some time for other forums?
Non Hic wrote:why won't you just talk clearly so I (we) can understand what you mean? Why talk in riddles?

Well, I've been reading your posts, you sound like a smart man, and if you are a smart man you will understand what I'm saying, without difficulties.
Non Hic wrote:I was sick of forums where you couldn't talk freely and as soon as you said something that the administrators didn't liked, you would be banned or your posts got deleted.

Certain things are pretty obvious.

I think every admin or moderator knows what is desirable and what is undesirable on forum.

I assume that you know what will happen if you go in front of a police officer and loudly tell him: Fuck You!
I think we all love freedom, but we do not live in a free world and everything we do or say has certain consequences - good or bad.
Non Hic wrote:I have never once deleted a post here and since you visit this place and like it, I reckon, you should know we allow people to actually talk and criticize us... which is one of the main reasons I actually put this place up.

So, for example: Some member gets drunk or is on drugs or whatever and then come here and put some child pornography here.
What will you do?
Non Hic wrote:No one will remove post here!...

Non Hic wrote:We are the bigger men, we can take it!...

I don't think you can take it. Cuz such things may cause serious negative consequences.

However we are the living organisms and living organisms periodically we make mistakes so, there should be an option to rectify the mistakes
and clean up the shit, because some things sting our eyes.

So how can you expect to someone post something if there is no option to correct it or delete it?

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2016-05-16 22:22 »

old member wrote:These "news" was just dragged from For real news you have to pay reporters. So, I'm not talking about this

Yeah true, it was kind of a poor man's news. Pretty sucky. *lol*

old member wrote:I talking about content that members can create.

I see.

old member wrote:So how they find some time for other forums?


old member wrote:Well, I've been reading your posts, you sound like a smart man, and if you are a smart man you will understand what I'm saying, without difficulties.

old member wrote:Certain things are pretty obvious.

I don't buy guessing games in here. If you have something to say, come and talk, speak your mind clearly. I'm not interested in playing a guessing game with you. If you have something in your mind, you are welcome to speak it in here. I am zero interested in special "riddles" to understand your "suggestion". I'm too unemployed, too poor and too busy playing games! But I don't give a flying fuck about guessing games. Need help? Sure thing, I'll help if I can. ...clear, specific suggestions? Sure thing, I'm all ears!

old member wrote:I think every admin or moderator knows what is desirable and what is undesirable on forum.

To each, his own.

old member wrote:I assume that you know what will happen if you go in front of a police officer and loudly tell him: Fuck You!
I think we all love freedom, but we do not live in a free world and everything we do or say has certain consequences - good or bad.

You don't like people saying bad words like "Fuck" in here? Is that what you mean? We should make this place for 16 plus instead of 18 plus?

old member wrote:So, for example: Some member gets drunk or is on drugs or whatever and then come here and put some child pornography here. What will you do?

What are you even talking about? Are you insane? Is that an attempt to insult me? Speak freely, doesn't mean break the law... or maybe, just maybe, you are some kind of moron? I have stated in here before, we go under laws of Europe and also Netherlands. That's where the server is located.

old member wrote:I don't think you can take it. Cuz such things may cause serious negative consequences.

What is this "serious negative consequences" you are talking about? Me doing something to you personally? I ask again, are you insane? Some anonymous person posting some criticism? Deleting your posts? Editing them? What's the big deal about saying "this or that sucks goat ballz about this forum"? Relax!*lol* :smile: :thumbup: :grin: I said it before and I'll say it once more in this post, you can speak freely in here. You are even welcome to insult me personally as much as you like, as long as your posts are lawful, no one will touch them. Understandably, you and so many others aren't really used to a forum where you can actually speak your mind without fear of admins, so it isn't surprising that you seem to be scared of talking freely? Or are you perhaps so used to tyranny of the moderators in other forums that you need it to be in a forum in order to dare to even talk? What? :think:

old member wrote:However we are the living organisms and living organisms periodically we make mistakes so, there should be an option to rectify the mistakes and clean up the shit, because some things sting our eyes. So how can you expect to someone post something if there is no option to correct it or delete it?

I understand that but there is a "preview" button. Also, see for example "", there is no edit option there either. You can even write your post in, I dunno, notepad, be sure it's "OK" and then post it. However, we are not complete fools in here. I have actually a good example about someone who posted something under a certain name but then he contacted me because what he had posted could harm his life or job or whatever, so, the name got changed, not a problem. We aren't here to hurt anyone. :problem:

...and by the way, if you don't feel like posting your "suggestions" publicly, there is always the "Contact" link at the bottom of the pages, use that and it will come directly to me personally.

Long story short, speak your mind so me and others can understand your "suggestions to improve this place" or just get the fuck out, go fuck yourself or whatever the current fad of fucking one self is. No one cares about riddles, especially not me. :sick:

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2016-05-16 22:49 »


Me personally, if I say it, then I motherfucking mean it. We are adults, I fight with people all the time in other forums. Do I hate them, NO? Will I still help them, YES? I'm not a petty individual. You don't like it, too bad, fuck you, sorry for you. Please don't use kids as examples, they are doing more fucked up shit than some of us adults. You want bubble gum content, take your ass to Disney, PBS Kids, Nick Jr.
Get in tune or get the fuck on.


2016-05-17 00:27 »

Non Hic wrote:I am zero interested in special "riddles"

What "riddles"?
Non Hic wrote:You don't like people saying bad words like "Fuck" in here? Is that what you mean?

Absolutely not! And I do not even call it a "bad words".
Non Hic wrote:Are you insane? Is that an attempt to insult me?

What the hell? How? I was trying to show you the mistakes and then you attempt to insult me:
old member wrote:maybe you are some kind of moron?... just get the fuck out, go fuck yourself or whatever the current fad of fucking one self is.

Non Hic wrote:Understandably, you and so many others aren't really used to a forum where you can actually speak your mind without fear of admins

Wrong! I've never felt fear of admins.
But it is stupid if someone go somewhere just to insult admins and moderators! Is this some new weird fetish?
Non Hic wrote:You are even welcome to insult me personally as much as you like

You have this forum 3 or 4 years already, you spend relatively a lot of money in it and you have 3-4 members
and you still think it's a good concept?
What can i say?

Good luck!

I fight with people all the time in other forums... You don't like it, too bad, fuck you, sorry for you.

You know, this what you just say that's funny!
PROBLEMCHYLD wrote:Get in tune or get the fuck on.

What tune? To say Fuck? It's easy, hear me now:
Fuck the motherfucking-cocksucking shits, turds, cock, tits and cunt!
So, is it something special? Am i "in tune" when i say such a bunch of worthless nonsenses?
Is that shit "real"?
It's just stupid and nothing else!

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2016-05-17 01:54 »

That's the Spirit!!!!!
See, I'm not offended. We have freedom here. If you want to be a slave, go elsewhere. This is not the place.
Say what the fuck you want without being ridiculed. I love your attiude, keep it up and you'll be fine.

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2016-05-17 01:57 »

Guest wrote:You have this forum 3 or 4 years already, you spend relatively a lot of money in it and you have 3-4 members
and you still think it's a good concept?

I created this place not to earn money or have 10000 idiots asking for "lolz" or 10000 dead accounts.

Guest wrote:What can i say?

I don't know man, I didn't engage with you. You are the one who started saying this:

Guest wrote:If you want to have them here you should clean up the dirt.
You can not put stinky turd on the table and then expect someone to sit at the table.
Yes, you didn't put it here, but it's up to you to clean it.
Because nobody likes shits.
Stinky shit only attracts flies, worms and disease.

Without clarifying what you mean. ...I asked for clarification, twice mind you and you say things like "You are smart, guess it."... what can I say at that point except, "Are you some kind of moron?" and "I'm not interested in riddles, if you have constructive criticism just say it." ...really, what else is there to say to you? What kind of respond do you expect? :problem:

"Hey man, your food is bad!"
"Yeah? Oh damn sorry, so what is bad so maybe I can fix it?"
"You are smart, guess it motherfucker!"
*crickets singing*

Guest wrote:Good luck!

Thanks? :think:

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2016-05-17 02:02 »

Guest wrote:So, is it something special? Am i "in tune" when i say such a bunch of worthless nonsenses?
Is that shit "real"?
It's just stupid and nothing else!

I'm going off topic here but I disagree. All words have meaning and have a function. To express your feelings for example... so no, they are not useless or stupid. It is stupid when other forums ban such words. It is not the words which are worthless or stupid, it is the ones who ban words who are stupid to put it mildy. ...anyway, yeah, what I just said is totally off topic of course. :mrgreen:

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