Shoot the breeze, anything goes.

2013-11-12 16:58 »

Today I came across an article on ZDNet: ... 000023083/. I don't have time to read it, nor do I really give a fuck about it, but skimmed through it and obviously it's stuff I already know about the repugnant backdoored piece of shit Windows 8.x. Of course, without fail, the MicroTroll low IQ dumbbells come along and start writing their masterpiece writings (comments). The problem which arises on articles that have lots of comments, is that if you write a comment, it's just going to get buried in the other hundreds of comments and you're not really changing much of anything. Now, if you can get your comment in at the beginning, you obviously have a better chance of having it read. The days of me of posting comments on ZDNet are over for now; I guess you could call it a vacation. I had my fun (been banned a few times too), in an uninhibited and straightforward manner pointing out the back doors in Windows 8, the atrocious and hideous user interface flaws, and the infantilizing colors. It sure stirred up a lot of controversy, but I just found that entertaining trolls was starting to waste my time. These days, more users are taking the trolls on. I'm not sure if I helped plant the seed or not, but I think people are finally getting it that Windows 8.x just fucking sucks. I even talk to non-computer literate people who think Windows 8.x is a piece of rubbish. That piece of shit heinous start screen is just so damn bad, with its tablet applications that are full of ads and certainly not design for intelligent life, that it serves two types of individuals only: the mentally retarded and children under 4 years old. Microsoft can take their stupid ass, rotten, outrageously idiotic operating system and shove it right up their ass. Speaking of the mentally retarded, here's one of the most retarded comments I have ever read on the internet. I don't know where these people come from; they just meander their way through the woodwork and manage to get online to show the world their retardation:

Again, MS just sits there and let its haters bash it over and over again

The bigger question is why do I have to come to Zdnet daily, to read writers invent reasons why MS products are inferior. Why can't I find major new sites that are pro Microsoft? Zdnet, Cnet, The Verge, etc. all hate MS and its products. Why doesn't MS underwrite the creation of sites users can go to, and not have to put up with rubbish? Why doesn't MS do something?
P. Douglas

Okay, where do I begin. First of all, you fucking fucktard, you don't have to come on Zdnet (sic), as nobody is forcing you. There are plenty of other sites that preach to the choir -- where you yourself can plant your fat dumbass in the chair you bought with your welfare check -- and read on your Surface P.O.S. all about how great Windows 8.x is. Secondly, ZDNet has a myriad of articles which show Windows 8.x in a positive light. Thirdly, The Verge rated Windows 8.1 very highly.

The idiot then writes something that makes zero sense: "Why doesn't MS underwrite the creation of sites users can go to, and not have to put up with rubbish? Why doesn't MS do something?" What the hell is he talking about? To underwrite means to to give money to support and agree to be responsible for any losses if it fails/ to agree to pay for a certain kind of loss or damage by offering (an insurance policy) (taken from Merriam-Webster). Is he saying that MS should fund creation of new sites users can go to, so they can remain in complete control of content posted (censorship)? Maybe you guys can shed light on that comment, because the only thing I'm coming up with is that this person is so dumb that he can probably barely tie his own shoelaces. Then he goes on to say: "Why doesn't MS do something?" Well, doing something would be releasing a product which is actually useable, but I know that that line of thinking (thinking outside of the box) is just not possible for this poor individual. Well, that's my little Windows 8.x rant for today.

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Steven W
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2013-11-13 00:59 »

Microsoft has plenty of shills on the payroll already.

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2013-11-13 03:44 »

Sitting here in the dark, hot boiling water and pure cocoa powder in it, without any sugar and a slight touch of pure vanilla powder, sipping from it... I really enjoyed reading your post.

You are right about everything you posted. I have lost the count on how many times I have been banned from various "mainstream" Web sites for posting critical views on Microsoft in general.

The world is full of fools. I did indeed try to give the entire "Windows 8.x" experience a pretty good chance (...and gave it up, of course). The more I used it, the more I realized how Microsoft is now infested with fools, insane and incompetent people full of greed. As I have mentioned in other posts here, I'm very glad I never drank the Kool-Aid and locked myself into Microsoft products. Even though I do code in C#, all my code is written in a way that I can switch to Java, PHP, Python or hell even JavaScript almost in a heartbeat the second they start fucking around with that part like they did with Windows.

They can fuck off and burn in hell for all I care. There will be a cold day in hell when I give up the freedom and ownership of my device to Microsoft and ask permission to those bastards, those motherfuckers, those filthy, unclean, foul smelling demons from hell with their Orwellian locked prison called "Windows Store".

Although, reading the "anti" Windows 8.x articles, one must still be careful. These demons are on both sides playing double agent. Whenever you hear code words such as:

  • The shift to post-PC devices
  • The increasing irrelevance of the operating system
  • Shift to console gaming
  • Mobile devices
  • Smart devices
Beware! These are code words for locked down devices where they are filled with crapware, commercial junk and of course, you have no root and administrator privileges in those things. Unless you "jailbreak" them, which in and of itself is an insult. Windows 8.x is moving slowly in that direction and I still think that removing the start button was a decoy to get peoples' attention away from the real beast inside it, which is the Windows Store where you have now ask permission to distribute your software. They also invented an Orwellian word called "sideloading" and sideloading is NOT allowed in Windows 8.x. It means, if you write a WinRT program and want to keep it private or just share with close friends or family, you CANNOT do it. They won't allow you! You MUST distribute it via the Windows Store and if you charge for it, you MUST give Microsoft 30% of your earnings. Truly, scary stuff.

Take for example my Galaxy S4 Mini which I recently bought. Excellent screen, amazing device but they still keep call it a "cellphone" because it's an Orwellian way of washing the mind of masses to make them accept the lock on the device. After I rooted this thing, I contained almost more than 350(!) junk applications in it!!! Long story short, I deleted the Samsung version of Android and installed Cyanogenmod on it. Ironically, even Cyanogenmod contained some crap which I had to remove so now I'm down to only 18 applications!!! What a massive difference hey?

And by no means, is this thing a "cell phone". This IS a PC. I call it a personal computer. I refuse to call it a "smart device". To hell with them. I took control over MY device which I bought with MY OWN hard earned cash. A device which can call people, take photos, email, browse the Web, manage files, connect to remote desktops, maps and GPS tracking is by no means a "cellphone". It is a personal computing device and it is MINE. So fuck you Samsung, fuck you Microsoft and fuck all of you other corporations which try to lock my devices down.

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Ps. I do enjoy your Radio Grooves (formerly known as Zima) occasionally. :mrgreen:

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Fool's design
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2013-11-13 04:47 »

MasterOne wrote:...The problem which arises on articles that have lots of comments, is that if you write a comment, it's just going to get buried in the other hundreds of comments and you're not really changing much of anything. Now, if you can get your comment in at the beginning, you obviously have a better chance of having it read...

Well, rest assured that you do get an audience in here. 8-)

2013-11-08 to 2013-11-13:

2013-11-08 to 2013-11-13.png
2013-11-08 to 2013-11-13.png (33.18 KiB) Viewed 7222 times


2013-11-15 17:25 »

Steven W wrote:Microsoft has plenty of shills on the payroll already.

Yes, they sure do. Without them, the market share of Windows 8.x would probably be less than what it's currently at.

Non Hic wrote:I really enjoyed reading your post.

Thanks. I enjoyed yours too!

Non Hic wrote:I have lost the count on how many times I have been banned from various "mainstream" Web sites for posting critical views on Microsoft in general.

Brand loyalists/shills want to insulate themselves and others from anything negative (yet true) written about MS. It's amazing how many people fall for the deceit and totalitarianism, and go along with the program.

Non Hic wrote:I did indeed try to give the entire "Windows 8.x" experience a pretty good chance (...and gave it up, of course).

So did I, and I really tried hard to like it. I missed Aero Glass, and I think it was an extremely stupid decision for MS to remove it. The same goes for the missing Start menu; it's totally ridiculous that you are forced to lose everything you have on the screen just to open a program -- it's so discombobulating and disruptive to my eyes and brain. It's just a nasty transition, and no, I'm not saying that the transition needs to improve. I'm saying the whole Start screen needs to die, as it has absolutely no place or useful purpose on a desktop computer. Can we say: "Reinventing the Wheel"? I can't believe Microsoft didn't put the Start menu back in Windows 8.1, not that them taking it out of Windows 8 wasn't one of the most foolish and idiotic things the company has ever done. It just shows you their tireless foisting effort attempting to get everyone's PC's locked down and locked in. It is not acceptable for somebody to have to buy and install a third-party utility to makes Windows 8.x function like it should function right out of the box! That's like buying a car without tires, and then going to the tire shop to buy tires after the vehicle purchase. Pure ridiculousness!

DMC-12.jpg (276.8 KiB) Viewed 7200 times

Wouldn't it be a blessing for MS if the traditional desktop slowly died off? I wouldn't be surprised if at some point the Windows version of Skype is only available through the Windows Store. Have you seen the Skype app running on a desktop monitor? It's repugnantly hideous! Recently I was troubleshooting a friend's PC over the phone, trying to get TeamViewer running so I could log in. He was getting confused when the TeamViewer app took over his entire screen. The bifurcated experience makes it confusing for less technical users (not that it doesn't also for the more technical), as does the nomenclature (Start screen/desktop). "Where the hell am I? Where am I supposed to be? Am I even in the desktop or not?" The schizophrenic nature of Windows 8.x makes it more difficult for I.T. professionals to support. MS learns a lot about the user and which software titles they download through the Windows Store, which is a privacy no-no. What else can be done with the Windows 8.x backdoor that allows MS to remove any app downloaded through the Windows Store from your computer? We'll never know because of the closed source code. But not to worry, just drink the Kool-Aid. It's good for you! Upload all your private data to SpyDrive, which is conveniently and completely integrated into Windows 8.x!

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Non Hic wrote:They can fuck off and burn in hell for all I care. There will be a cold day in hell when I give up the freedom and ownership of my device to Microsoft and ask permission to those bastards, those motherfuckers, those filthy, unclean, foul smelling demons from hell with their Orwellian locked prison called "Windows Store".

I hope MS continues the process of making Windows worse and worse, as they're currently are on the right track. As the irrelevancy of Microsoft Windows continues, GNU/Linux will gain market share. I really hope MS keeps driving this dead horse further into the ground, because Linux runs so much better (and boots faster) on my desktop, without all the bloat, not to mention that it's more secure and has no back doors! Way to go MS, for beginning the process of handing the master keys over to the free software community! What a bunch of fools!

Non Hic wrote:Windows 8.x is moving slowly in that direction and I still think that removing the start button was a decoy to get peoples' attention away from the real beast inside it, which is the Windows Store where you have now ask permission to distribute your software

Exactly. If the Windows Store was simply just a shortcut in the Start menu, the foisting effort would be hampered. MS is so ingeniously crafty! The Start screen is a disguised piece of code (or crap) to make unsuspecting users think that it's there for a good reason, when in actuality, us technical folks know that it's there to impose the Windows Store on people. Shame on Microsoft! Did they really think they were going to fool us?

Non Hic wrote:Ps. I do enjoy your Radio Grooves (formerly known as Zima) occasionally. :mrgreen:

Thanks! It's a work in progress, but glad to hear that you occasionally tune in!

Fool's design wrote:Well, rest assured that you do get an audience in here. 8-)

Excellent. Those numbers surprised me!

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Fool's design
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2013-11-16 07:23 »

MasterOne wrote:...
Fool's design wrote:Well, rest assured that you do get an audience in here. 8-)

Excellent. Those numbers surprised me!

Those numbers did surprise us as well. We think that it all started with the "Entering the invisible prison, feudalism in IT" thread. It has many many many thousands views and now visitors are "leaking" into other threads as well. Although a pleasant surprise, it all does eat a lot of bandwidth, but we are good for now thanks to the folks at Paranormal Stories who allowed us to use their servers. ::thumbup::

As you can see, running this Web site isn't too cheap. :? Unlike other places, for example MSFN where you have no idea how money donations are used or even if they are needed or not, we do disclose our full costs publicly. We do not have the need to ask for any money donations at this time, however. :)

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2013-11-16 07:37 »

MasterOne wrote:...I missed Aero Glass, and I think it was an extremely stupid decision for MS to remove it...

I almost cried when I saw that Aero Glass was "lost" because in the Windows 8 preview, it was still active and looked even a little more polished because of not rounded windows corners. I think these two threads might be of interest for you: Windows 8 - Removed Aero Glass effect to extend battery life and How to get Aero Glass effect back in Windows 8.

MasterOne wrote:...Wouldn't it be a blessing for MS if the traditional desktop slowly died off? I wouldn't be surprised if at some point the Windows version of Skype is only available through the Windows Store. Have you seen the Skype app running on a desktop monitor? It's repugnantly hideous!...

Ah yeah, both Microsoft and all other corporations and mainstream media are in full gear at it to brainwash people into all this "desktop is now legacy" / "cloud is good for you" paradigm and into the brave new world of "smart" devices, which of course only means one thing: You don't own these devices. You have no administrative rights on them. You cannot uninstall all the spyware which they have forced upon you and also cannot install anything without going through the Orwellian stores and can only get "approved applications" which of course, can also be removed from your device remotely if they someday for some reason no longer are "approved", be it by the governments or Microsoft or Google or whoeever.

Seeing history, people never cared, people do not care and people will not care... and the Devil kept dancing.

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2013-11-17 10:09 »

ZDNet has some of the worst trolls, true fanboys who are on a mission from God to protect their idol - Microsoft. At least the NeoKids have a good excuse being 14 year-old empty skulls full of mush.

Speaking of the devil and marionette strings ...
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Fool's design
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2013-11-17 10:26 »


Thank you for using the "Upload attachment" function. We usually have to manually cache and attach the pictures for you in your posts. :P You make us work hard. :mrgreen: :oops:


2013-11-19 06:37 »

Normally those pix are on Internet servers like Imgur so I just insert the same link I use at other sites. That Maiden cover I didn't have on any server I could find.

Are you saying it is better to re-upload them ( attachment ) rather than link from Imgur or Photobucket or Flickr? Just curious as to why that is better. It's no problem for me as I believe I have local copies of just about everything.

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