Have you ever found something really badly designed? Something which obscurity of its functions makes it hard to understand its use? Something almost unusable to a point it would drive you mad using it too often? Perhaps, a fool's design? Then you have come to the right place. Post your findings here and help making the world a saner place.
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2013-08-27 23:48 »

YAHOO! Automatically removing old email addresses without your permission, IS COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY UNACCEPTABLE! Damn them to hell, those motherfuckers! Who the fuck do they think they are? I have personally lots and lots of old and "not valid" email addresses in my address book out of nostalgia. I would be VERY angry if someone automatically deleted them "to help me"! :evil:

by Drugwash » Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:47 pm wrote:...You can also notice how goddamn Yahoo has been invading my privacy, deleting without my knowledge and consent contacts/e-mail adddresses from my address book on two accounts. I feel this is a desperate move while trying to force users into accepting their new stupid, moronic Windows8-like interface, by worrying and outraging them enough to log back into their accounts. This is way too low of a blow!


yahoo1 removed emails.png
yahoo1 removed emails.png (44.65 KiB) Viewed 7594 times

yahoo2 removed emails.png
yahoo2 removed emails.png (44.16 KiB) Viewed 7594 times

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2013-08-28 04:32 »

I have been to Yahoo a few times lately, the search portal, the main news page and Yahoo mail.

I don't know what they did but it looks like shit in Opera 11.


2013-09-12 17:31 »

The only service I still use from Yahoo! is the messenger - and that's because in our country they're all ignorant of all other messenger services, therefore the vast majority of my contacts are on Yahoo!. But even for that one I'm not using the bloated and ad-driven official client but Miranda IM, an open-source multi-messenger client.

Yahoo! Mail is dead and buried to me. No idea if they made that hideous interface final but it doesn't even matter now. At some point I will probably accept the change, move important mails from personalized folders to main Inbox, retrieve them in POP Peeper and then never again check Yahoo! Mail ever again. I already did that with Google, it is in any way out of my systems.

I'm still searching for a reliable, free e-mail provider, preferrably Europe-based that would accept me as a client (considering my country of residence) and would allow POP3/IMAP/SMTP access without charging. Can't live much on AOL anymore.

Did anyone else have their "obsolete" addresses/contacts removed from their addressbook, or only those of us that resisted switching to the new interface? I see a potential lawsuit here against Yahoo! 8-)

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2013-09-13 11:26 »

Finding a free and good email provider is tough. I use Google Apps and connect my domains to it but they no longer accept free accounts, hence why we borrow a POP3 account from the guys at paranormalstories.com instead of @foolsdesign.org, in order to keep the costs down for this Web site.

Come to think of it, I have never used Yahoo!. Like, ever. *lol*

Although, like you, I too only use Outlook (currently 2013) and POP my emails out of there. I don't trust having all my stuff in the "cloud" because one little mistake somewhere in the admin panel or some other shit might cause data loss of my entire email account. Feels much safer with a local backup. :mrgreen:


2013-11-21 04:11 »

Actually I use POP Peeper 4.0 beta8. Not perfect and not entirely free (certain add-on has to be paid for) but for now it does its job. Jeff promised a few bugfixes and enhancements but I'm afraid he's just gonna go full Unicode and cut Win9x users out. Even now v4 only works with the help of KernelEx under 98/ME.
Problem is my main account is now on AOL and mail delivery is very much delayed. Their web interface is stupid, sorting never sticks. Yahoo! have a moronic interface now, Google is out of the question for more reasons... where the hell can I go?

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2013-11-22 05:31 »

Setup your own personal mail server.
Actually I should look into adding an e-mail service on my server. tiido@tmeeco.eu sounds fancy to me !

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2013-11-22 08:56 »

I used to do that long ago but email became such an important thing to me over the years that I no longer could host it myself and ISPs started to block SMTP port, blaming it on spam but in reality they wanted to cripple the home lines so we were forced to buy email elsewhere.

MDaemon Messaging Server is pretty good I guess, from alt-n but like, it used to be called MDaemon and was an email server. Now it's a "Messaging Server" filled with all sorts of other bullshit just so they can inflate their pricing. They also added this other bullshit thing which is that you have to pay per year or something. Basically, motherfuckers, yes.

Every motherfucking thing on the Internet is turning into some kind of Cable-TV service which you have to pay a monthly fee for, bundled with all sorts of other crap. :evil:

I suppose they realized their products are not worth the kind of money they ask for and some products become so mature that people no longer need to buy it so they now conning people into this new monthly/yearly service model in order for them to stay in business. Of course, none of them actually sat down and tried to innovate new products. No no no, that's too hard.

The Internet era businesses used to complain about the pre-Internet era businesses that their business model is old and dated but now the very same people are stuck in the "old" Internet ways of doing business, instead of coming up with a new business model. Sad, really.

I don't say I'm any different though but at least I am aware of the issue. For example developing Web sites is no longer a good business model because there are so many ready frameworks and tools that people don't really want to pay for that stuff. I am still trying to come up with some kind of new business model so I can do it from the Internet and don't have to "physically" go to work every day but so far, no luck!

Ps. I use "Google Apps" for my emailing needs. I was lucky to attach my domains to it while it was free. You can no longer attach your domain to "Google Apps" without a fee now. I wonder for how long my stuff will continue to be free, however. :?


2013-11-30 02:35 »

I'd rather die before using Google anymore. I want EVERYTHING to be free. Everyone should do as much as they can or will, no forcing, no nothing. Teach people for the best, let them choose what they know and like most and let them do that, without any kind of ties. Fuck money, fuck banks and bankers, fuck every coercing force - we should all do whatever we know and like best. Without true freedom, this world will soon die. Mark my words!

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