Shoot the breeze, anything goes.
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2020-12-29 08:14 »

"Soul" movie, I saw people call it "black lead movie". How about "movie" or "human lead movie"? Always with these color crap. Oh no, jeez, you have more sun tan than this other person, what do we do now? Fucking idiots. At the end of the day, all humans bleed red!

I used to know this black guy, I kid you not, he was black as night. If he sat on a black colored chair, you couldn't see him! He was the coolest, funnest, calmest, nicest guy. I used to know this white guy, he was white as ghost, he was scum, disgusting, liar, thief. :silent:

Everyone can be good or bad. The color of skin doesn't matter, what's between your legs doesn't matter. You can be green with pink polka dots for all I care.

Only your soul matters.

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2020-12-29 13:40 »

It should be that way, but let's face reality, its not. I'm black with a wife who is white with biracial/mixed kids. I love everyone.

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Steven W
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2021-01-14 06:19 »

One of those things that I get a kick out of is -- I don't know whether to call it recasting or what but putting when black people or women in roles that men (or whites) had done previously. Personally, I'd find that rather insulting it's like saying, 'we're too lazy and/or cheap to provide something original for you, but you can be in this regurgitated dog food'.

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2021-01-14 12:57 »

This is why I dislike everyone equally, I don't discriminate. Fuck everyone :thumbup:

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2021-01-14 16:39 »

2021-01-14 12:57
This is why I dislike everyone equally, I don't discriminate. Fuck everyone :thumbup:
Bwahahhahhaaa... :clap:

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2021-01-14 18:10 »

You're welcome :lol:

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2021-01-18 02:18 »

I deleted a post from here, not because of my personal opinion about it but because it is not a legal post here in Europe - Netherlands. :!: We don't censor posts but that doesn't mean you can post illegal stuff here. :idea:

It was an offending racist post. You can have your opinion, that's your right, I really don't care about that but again, this place follows the laws of EU and specially Netherlands. You don't need to be civil here and you can be rude but you cannot post illegal stuff here. I have zero tolerance for breaking the law.

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2021-01-18 05:37 »

I seen it, ignored it because I'm not offended. I understand though :lolno: I deal with the shit everyday in some form or fashion.

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2021-01-18 18:06 »

Yeah, God damn idiots. 🤦‍♀️ :sick: :roll:

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