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2021-01-27 01:44 »

! wrote:
2021-01-27 01:39
! wrote:
2021-01-27 01:35
MrMateczko wrote:
2021-01-24 16:31
Might want to check out this false positive from Windows Defender. :wink:
As far as I know, the files hosted here are all safe. No one here will bother to contact Microsoft and beg them for false positive removal. Microsoft can fuck right off. It is not our job to do their jobs for them. If you are using a potentially defective product that gives out false positives, it's YOUR problem, not ours. :wave: :lol: :cool:
I really dislike the mentality of people like you but I should shut up before I end up posting pussy pictures in here and PROBLEMCHYLD kicks my ass. 😋 :razz: :mrgreen:
Actually, you can fuck right off too "MrMateczko" that demand us to beg to Microsoft for such things. People like you are disgusting people. Go run to Microsoft and your OneDrive, it will keep you safe in your little slave garden, you fucking moron.

Sorry PROBLEMCHYLD, couldn't stop myself! hahaha... I'll see myself out. :razz: :lol: :silent:
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Steven W
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2021-01-27 04:08 »

Dude, in fairness, MrMateczko is just pointing out that Windows Defender very recently flagged the file. He even acknowledges that it's a false positive and certainly isn't suggesting anyone beg Microsoft. It is something that you, ProblemChyld and even potential end-users should be aware of. I hate the thought of having to put verbiage along with the download pointing out that it's a false positive, but if you don't, how many people will actually believe the file is dangerous? That said, it is rather disgusting of Microsoft to pull this.

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2021-01-27 06:44 »

Steven W wrote:
2021-01-27 04:08
Dude, in fairness, MrMateczko is just pointing out that Windows Defender very recently flagged the file. He even acknowledges that it's a false positive and certainly isn't suggesting anyone beg Microsoft. It is something that you, ProblemChyld and even potential end-users should be aware of. I hate the thought of having to put verbiage along with the download pointing out that it's a false positive, but if you don't, how many people will actually believe the file is dangerous? That said, it is rather disgusting of Microsoft to pull this.
Read again what he wrote:
MrMateczko wrote:
2021-01-24 16:31
Might want to check out this false positive from Windows Defender. :wink:
"Might want to check out..."

No. We don't want to check out any thing about Microsoft's false positives. I certainly will never ever do and don't give even one flying fuck about their false positives. Everyone who has a working brain knows Microsoft can't be trusted at this point after all the shit they put into Windows 10. So this guy, who incidentally also uses OneDrive, doesn't have a working brain in my opinion that has that so called "defender" running in his machine. He can go fuck himself for even suggesting to us to check it out.

I have zero tolerance for morons and I will call them out in here, always and forever, because at least here, they cannot ban or silence me.

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2021-01-27 06:46 »

Ps. If PROBLEMCHYLD wants to do it, it is his decision of course. I'm just talking about me, when I said "we". I don't speak for anyone else.

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2021-01-27 06:52 »

With all the big tech censorship recently, not talking about removing illegal or violent stuff but they remove normal talk now, like a mother of two tweets food photos got suspended, one of my followers there, this complete moron puts his stuff on OneDrive and then comes here to tell us check out "defender". Yeah, it sure "defends" something alright, it is "defending" big tech interest and preventing people to use their own devices as they see fit. Let him run off to reddit too, I heard they have cake there.

All of this is my opinion and only mine.

Fucking morons, I vomited already at seeing "OneDrive" in that file path. :sick:

I haven't had any so called spyware I mean antivirus for 20 fucking years. I was a very young and uneducated person back then when I used to install these stuff in my devices.

I know better now.
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2021-01-27 06:54 »

We peasants here eat shit, not cake. :silent:

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2021-01-27 07:01 »

Besides, SP isn't even active anymore. PROBLEMCHYLD told all these morons to go fuck themselves long time ago.


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2021-01-27 07:04 »

I'm not ranting at you Steven W, by the way. You are the voice of reason here anyway. Balancing my insanity. hahaha 😋 :clap: :thumbup:

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2021-01-27 12:06 »

2021 is the year I'm not taking shit from anyone. I don't give a fuck about no SP, false positives, porn memes etc... I just don't give a fuck. You guys can carry on how you see fit.

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2021-01-27 13:52 »

2021-01-27 12:06
2021 is the year I'm not taking shit from anyone. I don't give a fuck about no SP, false positives, porn memes etc... I just don't give a fuck. You guys can carry on how you see fit.
:thumbup: :clap: :mrgreen:

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